Spubble – 2 stars

I tried to be funny with my spubble post so I hope you liked it but feel free to tell me if you didn’t in the comment section below!


Spubble: Doritos Edition


Here’s the one assignment we’re all supposed to do: the Spubble. For mine I took a picture of myself with a shocked face, and tried to come up with something clever. I couldn’t think of anything, so I wrote something about Doritos.

Here’s the story. I’m sitting on the couch watching baseball. Suddenly, I notice that all of the Doritos are gone. What I am to do? Well, I guess I could just go to the store and buy some more. However, that would simply make too much sense. So instead, I loudly exclaim “we’re out of Doritos!?” Perfect.

For the creation of this totally-not-last-minute-slop-job, I once again utilized Paint. I used the speech bubble graphic, then used a text box to add the words. Nice and simple.


This is what happens when you find yourself bored and bad at playing pool, you start drawing with the chalk…

It All Comes Down To This…

My Very Own Spubble (2 stars)

Your Very Own Spubble

The Story

Every year my family ventures into Glyndon, MD for the Fourth of July. Dozens of family members join together to partake in a multitude of activities, amongst  the most competitive are my father and I. Each year there is a homemade mini golf course, a Wiffle ball game, and an intense game of egg toss for the extended family to compete in. The winner of the final egg toss game received bragging rights until the next year. This photograph captures a moment in that historically competitive game this past year. It was down to three pairs. At this point in the game each pair must go one at a time to increase the stress of a simple toss. My cousins, Alex and Ben, were first to toss their egg the 20 yard distance and luckily Alex was overthrown and the egg burst on impact. It was down to my dad and I. My cousin, Jordy, and I were up first; a perfect toss gave us a definite spot in the next round, and possibly the game. My uncle and father were the ultimate partners, they had a stellar record from previous years. This photograph captures the exact moment before my dad caught the egg, but it broke in his hand.

The Process, Narrated

This project began with my research into photograph editing apps that led me to the discovery of an app called “Bubblee”. This app was able to access my photo-bank on my phone which allowed me to select a specific photo for editing. Once the photo was selected I was able to drag-and-place a speech bubble anywhere on the image. The speech bubble has a automatic setting to change the size of the font in the bubble to fit. I then typed in the quote I wanted in the bubble and then saved it to my photos. Finally, I transferred it to Flickr via an upload from my phone and then placed it into this assignment.



“I wonder if it will be friends with me?”

This assignment was to create a warning sign of whatever we wanted to.  I liked the idea of it because that meant I could be as ridiculous as I wanted to be.  So I decided to make a warning sign warning people to look out for falling whales and if you haven’t figured out the reference that I’m making here then you are making it very difficult for me to like.  Well for those of you that don’t know, I’m make a reference to the book Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, there is also a movie but it is not as good as the book.

I think I’m going to stick with my answer of why stuff like this are a key part of digital storytelling, the pictures themselves tell the story and seeing that you probably won’t find a warning sign warning people about falling whales makes it unique to the digital part of things.  This assignment in particle also shows how a bit of the story from the person who created it.  Take mine for example, if you are able to see the reference to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy then you might conclude that that book may be one of my favorite books, which it is.  Now you know a bit of my story, granted only that I like a certain book but it is still more than you previously knew about me.  So to remember beware of falling whales and if you haven’t read the book I suggest you do, it’s quite funny.

Below you will find my picture and a link to the original assignment.



So they do exist?!

This was a fairly simple assignment, to create a new type of animal by combining two or more animals and/or plants together.  I decided to create an animal like a Pegasus, or in simple terms a horse with wings, but I thought that was not enough so I also added an eagle’s head to my Pegasus to make it more unique.  Now let me tell you a bit about my animal, it likes long walks on the beach and if you get between it and its favorite meal, fish so you know, it just may start pecking your head until you leave.  And no I was not trying to create the hippogriff from Harry Potter, it just turned out to be along those lines.

I already said it in my past posts but I will say it again because it relates to this picture as well.  All pictures can tell their own story, depending on the imagination of the individual though.  And this picture does that as well, like why is that animal on the beach or why is it not flying and from there a story can come into existence.  Pictures like this can only come into existence through the use of digital media which strengthen its ties to the digital part of digital storytelling.

Below you will find my picture and a link to the original assignment.




Attack of the cat!

When I was going though the visual assignment bank, I was looking for something I could have fun with.  Then I came across this assignment, it was to take a picture of a cat and a Shakespearean quote and put them together.  I’m not a big cat person, but I thought I could make something that would be funny and who doesn’t like a good laugh.  So first off I looked though some quotes and once I found one that I could use I looked for a picture that would go well with the quote.  And thus, this Shakespearean cat picture was born.

This assignment goes long the same lines as my “Picture with a twist” post goes.  Where this picture tells a story, a fictional story of course because I don’t know any cats quoting Shakespeare but a story anyways.  The story that one person sees in it could be different than the story that some else sees.  That is one of the wonders of pictures, a single picture could hold thousands of different stories within itself.

Below is my picture and a link to the original assignment.




Picture with a twist

This was my first assignment for ds106.  For this we were suppose to take a photo of ourselves and added a word bubble playing off of the picture.  However, I don’t have many photos that I’m actually in so that made things interesting.  I just ended up grabbing an ordinary picture and added a classic saying.  The saying may seem unoriginal, but who can truly argue with a classic like “So, who are you people?”.

Taking a picture and making it even more unique with a goal of showing some type of emotion to others was what this assignment was all about.  You could say something like this is the heart or definition of digital storytelling because the point is to tell a story, a story about a single instance.  The picture itself tells its own story where as the speech bubble adds a twist on that story.

Below you can find my picture and a link to the original assignment page.




Visual Assignment Warning Poster

I chooses to warn people about skydiving in a sharknado

Shakespeare LOL Cat


I found the idea of this assignment to be very funny since I am a cat lover at heart. Here is my cat Jack, looking on as if he was answering the call of Juliet. There is not too much to this picture other then I took it because I found it very funny and suiting for this visual assignment. I once again used the Aviary app to add the words on top of the picture.