Assignment Idea

Poem Made with Twilight Zone Episode Titles

You must make a poem from Twilight Zone episode titles. You can get the titles from link at the bottom of this post or use the Google Doc Table created by Tom Woodward.

GIF Your Garden

If you’ve got a garden, you’ve probably got garden sprites. And if you’ve got garden sprites, then you’ve probably got some mischief on your hands. Turn your everyday “normal” garden into an enchanted garden filled with unseen trouble makers. Extra points for capturing garden sprites, gnomes, or trolls in the act.

Turn a GIF into a FIG

Recently, I was exposed to reverse-animated GIFs. I must say, some are hilarious. Find a video clip, or shoot one of yourself, and then make it playback in reverse over and over again as a GIF. Try to find a situation that is absolutely mind-blowing when played backwards.

starlow alena

create a video about a story that you made up it can be truth or totally fake it can have just words or no words and just pictures or it can be just a video story that you did byourself or with other people or you can have both pictures word and videos. This can be as long as you want you might need some video edditing software for this if you do i recomend movie maker or imovie there both free and easy to use.

These are a few of my favorite things

We tend to surround ourselves with things that make us happy. Take a photo in your house or workplace and then find a creative way to make your favorite things about that space stand out. No limit to how many things you highlight, but make it interesting and intriguing.

Monologue of a household tool

Have you ever wondered what your tools around the house are thinking from day to day? Write a short inner monologue or narrative from the perspective of a household tool. It can be a blender, a circular saw, chair…anything you use around the house. Try to keep it vague so your reader has to think about what the tool is. For bonus points, throw in an image or a GIF of that tool’s perspective.

Make a dramatic scene

Take scenes a dramatic scene from a movie and make it even more dramatic with flashbacks. Make sure that you say what the scene originally meant and than what the meaning after is!  Check out the example!

play that back!

Find a video of an awesome sports play or magic trick online.  Then, record yourself (SAFELY) re-enacting the play or trick. They key is to do it by yourself, so you have to be creative!

Sports Heroes

Make a Gif of your favorite sports hero!

Super Mash Bros

Take a couple different clips from some related videos.  Change them around to make a new plot, and then remove the audio.  Overdub the characters to add some audio and change the story even further.  Don’t forget to play with the music too!