Assignment Idea

Rotoscoped Action

Rotoscope a dance or sport secene. You need to make single images out of a video sequence, like with an Animated Gif. After this you draw just the outlines of the people involved in the action. The simplest tool is an image editor like Gimp and the path tool (any kind of pen and tablet would be better). Add a layer and alter the transparency the way you can see the underneath image. Use at least 6 frames per second.

You’re Invited!

Creating invitations for different events says a lot about what is going to happen. Make an invitation for either any event, whether it occur or not. Pick an event from a movie even! What does the invitation say about the event? Get creative

Advertisement Galore!

For this assignment, take different clips of people in movies using something and make an advertisement out of it! Be as creative as possible!


Mashup two or more of your favorite websites using Firebug or photoshop. Try to be creative, giving the page a new name, and having attributes of both sites in the page. Take a screenshow of your work to share it

GIF for a reason

Make a GIF out of your favorite scene in a movie and tell why you did that scene (and not just because you wanted too).

A Changing Character

For this assignment you need to pick any chacter and follow thier progression that they have had (TV characters from a long standing TV show will probably be best).  Use video clips to show how the character has changed and grown up over time.  Try to make their progression seem as dramatic as you possibly can. 

You’re a Pinteresting Character

Build a Pinterest page of at least 20 pins for a character of your choice. Search for pins that relate to your character and things that he or she would want to pin for themselves. Use X-Ray Goggles from Hackasaurus to modify the board further to personalize it for your character. Bonus points if you build a page and have visitors to your blog guess which character you picked!

My Favorite Lyric

Have you ever heard and song and a particular lyric stood out to you right away?  I think all of us have had the feeling at least once.  For this assignemt use one of those lyrics that stood out to you and make it into a visual.  Use some kind of background that represents the lyric and place the lyrics over it in some way.  Be creative! But make sure that your visual product evokes the same kind feeling that the lyric of the song does.

10-Step Photo Challenge

Take ten steps in any direction and with each step take one photo. Think about angles and lighting to create interesting photographs. Don’t forget the Rule of Thirds! Create a collage in a photo editor.

Your Favorite Teams Mashup

Combine the logos of two or more of your favorite sports teams. Don’t just create an image with the two logos next to each other! Make the final logo look natural and cohesive.