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Mashup Assignment – This Doesn’t Belong Here

iconic combo

I guess I wasn’t super subtle, but I couldn’t help myself! The two iconic images I chose to mash together were the flare scene from Jurassic Park and the kiss from Romeo and Juliet.


I first removed the character from the Jurassic Park scene by cloning the rain around him. Then I added the romeo and Juliet scene as a layer where I removed as much of the background as I could. I merged the resulting image with the Jurassic Park image where I then attempted to clone more of the rain scene onto the image. It’s not as smooth as I would like, but hey, I get an image of the T-Rex looking at his next snack.

Mashup Assignment – Holiday Mashup

three in one

I chose my three favorite holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving and St. Patricks day (not really a holiday but still fun)) and stitched them together in an image using the online photo shop tool freephototool. I used cartoon images simply for the reason that despite the fact that they have different artists, they still can fit together. The only problem I had was attempting to resize the leprechaun hat to fit the turkey. I wasn’t able to do it so it appears a bit wonky, but you get the idea.

Mashup Assignment: Stars #ILT5340


Mashup Assignment: This Doesn’t Belong Here


Mashup Assignment from the DS106 Assignment Bank:
This Doesn’t Belong Here…or…Who’s the Captain of This Here Ship?!

*I am currently working my way through my fourth semester of the Information and Learning Technologies master’s program at University of Colorado, Denver.  This is the fifth post within a series of Creative Assignments that I’ve been tasked with completing for a course titled Digital Storytelling.

The mashup assignment that I chose from the DS106 Assignment Bank is called This Doesn’t Belong Here.  It states, “For this assignment you need to mash up two different iconic movie scenes. However, you should aim to be as subtle as possible. Perhaps a famous prop that simply doesn’t belong or a character that looks a little out of place.”

So, who’s the captain of this here ship?  (I say it’s the tiger.)

Who's the Captain?

*Original image from movie, Life of Pi.
*Captain Jack Sparrow added from this image.
*Header image from here.
*Mashup image created with Adobe Photoshop.

Mashed potat….songs

For this assignment I had to choose an artist and pick at least 5 of their songs and create a mashup, at least 5 minutes long. I chose to do New Politics for this because I’m fairly obsessed with them and it happened pretty quickly…I saw them live and fell in love. So while they are not my all time favorite band, they’re a current favorite for sure.

I used audacity to mix the songs and I started by listening to each song all the way through and then looking for places where I could combine them. If the time requirement was a little shorter, I definitely would’ve chosen mashing points in other places. I played around with cutting and pasting in audacity and actually had a little trouble getting it to work at first, but about 45 minutes later, I was pretty happy with the result. The last two mashes were a little rough to coordinate, but I think they still work for the most part. Hope you guys like it!


Music Mash

Take two or more songs that are similar and mash them togeather into a conversation.

Mashing Friends And Emojis Tutorial

Here’s a how-to for this simple little assignment!

Step 1: Pick the emoji that you want to use. You can find them all here!

Step 2: Once you’ve picked your emoji, find a friend (or yourself) who would be interested in helping out!

Step 3: Find a picture of the emoji you want to use online, and save it to your computer.

Step 4: Take a picture of your friend or yourself, and save it to your computer.

Step 5: Go to BeFunky, and select the collage maker. Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 1.32.44 AM

Step 6: Choose the grid templates, and the one with 2 squares side by side would be the most preferable one to use! Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 1.33.48 AM


Here’s an example of mine!


Step 7: Upload both of your photos into their designated spots. Save to your creation to your computer and post it for everyone to see!


Good luck and have fun doing this assignment!


This is my remix vs mashups reflection, which took me like a million tries! I kept stuttering over and over again. But I got it done and hope you enjoy it and get what I am trying to say. If you listen you will clearly understand the differences between the two. Well the person that I talked to about it did, so I’m sure you will too!

I used my own integrated mic to record this audio and uploaded it to soundcloud to embed it here onto my blog. Sometimes soundcloud works perfectly and then sometimes it takes FOREVER. Any idea why that is?

Music MashUp

Original Assignment

I mixed together a few songs that I thought were very dissimilar and the result was pretty cool. I just uploaded all three songs into audacity and proceeded to clip and edit tracks until I had the first part down. The last part of the song is just the song “thunderstruck” because it would have taken me about 2 hours to mash together an entire full length song.

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Music Mash Up

For the 10 Second Song Mash Up assignment, we had to take a couple of seconds from 4 or 5 songs and mash them together in a 10 second audio clip.  Here’s what I came up with:

I didn’t want to just pick five random songs, I wanted to express my various music tastes in this.  I like a lot of different music, so I picked five songs that I feel capture the spectrum my interest.  They’re not in any particular order, but I feel the first part could only be placed at the beginning.  I tried to take out key moments in each song, so the listener can get a feel for what the whole song is like.

Fun Fact:  It’s the same vocalist on the first and fourth songs.

How I made it:

  1. I used youtube-mp3.org to convert youtube videos of all of the songs into mp3s
  2. I imported all the tracks into audacity.
  3. I edited the tracks to just 2-3 seconds of audio and adjusted the tracks into an order, as seen below:


4.  I exported the audio and uploaded it to Soundcloud.