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Similar Songs

Mashup two (or more!) songs that are similar to each other, by either the same or different artist(s). Do your best to show the similarities—edit parts of the songs next to each other. If it’s possible to do this without making it sound terrible, try to overlay the songs at parts to highlight how much they sound alike.

Animoji Karaoke

This mashup was a bit harder than the other assignments this week. I love using the animoji feature on my iPhone to send funny text videos to my friends, but getting JUST the animoji by itself seemed a little bit difficult without sending it to someone. I didn’t want to send my friends a weird video of me lip syncing to a song… so the result I got is not the best, but you can still see my memoji singing lol. In my opinion, I think my memoji looks a lot like me with the long curly hair and brown eyes. And I pretty much always wear my hair in a pony tail since it basically has a mind of its own.

Star rating: 5

Spanish Music, English Video Remix

This music video was one of my favorites to create. The powerful song paired with the two videos I chose almost made me cry every time I watched it during production. This work is based on a remix of the “Audio and Music Video Mashup” using the remix card “In another language.” The general idea is to use an existing music video and place a different song with it. Let me break my process for you.

I decided to use a Spanish song for the language requirement of this remix. I chose the song “Regresa A Mi” by Il Divo. It was a bit difficult to find a video to fit with this song since the song is almost 5 minutes long. Eventually, I chose the music videos for “Before You Go” and “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi.

For the most part, I used the scenes from “Before You Go” and the singing scenes from “Someone You Loved.” I also tried to pair the music video as best as I could with the song. For example, at one point late in the song, there is a really strong chorus as the song reaches its climax. I chose to pair this with scenes of a funeral from “Before You Go.”

When I reached the end of the video, I was a few seconds short of the end of the song. I really wanted the song to end while looking at the woman from “Someone You Loved” looking back at the singer. I screenshot the image and pasted it into the video with a slow fade to black. Unfortunately, the proportions didn’t fully line up so you can tell that there is an image there instead of the video. However, the effect that I wanted was captured so I ignored this problem (especially since I couldn’t find a solution).

I really enjoyed working on this assignment. It is similar to some I have worked on in the past, but this time, I limited myself to only using the two videos instead of a long movie with lots of clips to choose from. Even though the videos were completely different, they somehow meshed well together when placed to this song.

Only Pick your Favorite Scenes… Good Luck Narrowing That Down

If you’re like me, you like watching your favorite scenes from movies over and over again. Thus, when I saw the prompt “Favorite Movie Clip,” I was really excited to find all of my favorite scenes from Home and compile them into one epic mashup. The challenge specifically mentioned telling the story through the clips I chose, and thus, I started there.

My first step was to edit all of the clips down to the exact scene I wanted. Originally, I was just planning on selecting the scenes I needed to tell the story. However, as I progressed further in the movie, I found myself incorporating more and more of my favorite funny scenes and lines into the movie, as well as the pivotal plot moments. At the end of this, I had about 20-25 minutes of material.

I went back through my selections to try and find something to clip, but I couldn’t bring myself to remove anything. Every piece that I had chosen was either important plot-wise or so hilarious I couldn’t bear to remove it. Finally, I gave up on the idea of removing any more material. Instead, I went through the clips and created subtitles for my favorite lines. This was completely unnecessary, but I really enjoyed it. I also had to adjust the audio timing slightly since the original clips were slightly off. Finally, I added a credit clip, exported the video, and uploaded it to my Google Drive. Here is the final result:


This mashup took the longest out of all of my video assignments, simply because I had a long video to clip down to a reasonable amount. However, I really enjoyed creating it, and I know I will enjoy watching it over and over whenever I want to see my favorite scenes again.

Hmm, I think I’ve Heard That Before, Disney

Have you ever noticed that Disney seems to have at least one striving-for/dreaming-of/wishing-for something song in every musical movie or TV show? I was recently listening through a bunch of this kind of song and realized how many there were. To illustrate this, I created a mashup of some of the ones I thought most fit the category. I also followed the guidelines of the prompt “Disney Mashup” (4 stars).

Like my similar mashups in the past, I started by finding and downloading all of the songs that I needed for my mashup. I only went back once to grab a few more songs, but, for the most part, I started with the collection I needed. From there, I imported them all into Audacity and started soloing each song individually to try and find the piece of the song that I wanted.

Once I had that, I began moving the different song clips to different locations. There was some logic to the order I placed them in (for example, the songs “Ready as I’ll ever be,” “Wind in my hair,” and “How Far I’ll Go” all flowed together nicely. The first two had the same singer and the second two both mentioned the wind.) I also tried to use a clip that I had pulled from the beginning of a song to start my piece. Finally, I used the song “Live Your Story” to wrap things up because I felt like it encapsulated everything I was trying to convey with the mashup. However, even with this logic in some places, others were very random. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the song “On My Way” was followed immediately by “Go The Distance” which mentioned on my way in the lyrics.

Finally, I played around with the overall audio level to make sure that none of the clips stood out due to a sudden volume change. I also used a fade-out to wrap up the song at the end. With this finished, I exported the audio file and uploaded it to Soundcloud. Here is the final result:

This week I have to complete 8 stars of Mashup Assignments. I already completed 3.5 stars for my Luigi’s Crossing: Animal Mansion 3 post. I will be completing A Changing Character for 4.5 stars, bringing me to 8 stars for this week. Summary: For this assignment you need to pick any character and follow their progression that they have had (TV characters from a long standing TV show will probably be best). Use video clips to show how the character has changed and grown up over time. Try to make their progression seem as dramatic as you possibly can.

Behind the Work

The first anime I ever watched was Naruto/Naruto: Shippuden. I skipped all of the fillers, but it still took me several months to watch all of the episodes. During my first year of college this is all I watched; it was a great distraction from work and life. During my freshman year I wasn’t mentally in a good space and Naruto was like an outlet for me. Because of this, Naruto holds a special place in my heart and it’s helped me realize I really love anime! My favorite characters are Gaara, the Kazekage of the Sand Village, and Rock Lee, shinobi member of Team Guy.


Rock Lee

My favorite scene of the whole show is when Rock Lee uses drunken fist in a fight.

Although these two are my favorite, there aren’t as many scenes with them in it as there are of Naruto. Naruto is the main character and continues to be throughout all 41 seasons (20 seasons in Shone Jump’s Naruto and 21 in Naruto Shippuden). That’s why I chose Naruto to use in my changing character video.


During the Work

I started this assignment by finding each season’s opening. It was tedious downloading each video from YouTube in y2mate.com, so I found a video with all 20 openings from Naruto and a separate video with all 20 openings from Naruto Shippuden:

Naruto Openings:

Naruto Shippuden Openings:

I then imported both videos into iMovie and split each video into segments; one for each opening: 9 Naruto and 20 Naruto Shippuden. Next, I went through each opening and found a section with Naruto in it; everything but these clips were deleted. Then an into and outro were created using Canva; these were added in their respective spots. For my final touch I muted each clip and imported the Naruto theme song:

Naruto Theme Song:

The credits contains my sources for audio and video; each link is provided separately in the video description on YouTube.

Confusing Poster

My third mashup assignment this week is the “Is this the right movie?” assignment. My brother and I love the movie Alien, so I decided to create a poster with images an fonts that seem completely opposite of the movie plot itself. I used the collage maker app to do this. It was very easy!

Difficulty: 3 Stars

The post Confusing Poster appeared first on Digital Storytelling with Jordan.

Is this the right movie?

Create a poster or ad for an upcoming movie. Let the ad’s theme and movie contradict themselves. For instance, you can have your movie be about kids playing on a Summer day, but your ad shows a spooky side to the plot. A good “everything is not what it seems” kicker. Your movie could be an action packed movie called “Fight It”, but in your ad you can show everyone laughing as if it is a comedy. There are many ways you can mashup this assignment. Make it your own!

like a ds-106er

okay so this assignment was fun because i’ve always kinda wanted to try it, so im glad mashup week gave me the inspiration/motivation to! the idea is to fake a text conversation between two people. I’m still kind of itching to go for the horror vibe ive seen around, but i decided to theme this one eighties because theme! a relatively simple concept, two gals chatting about the madonna concert they’re going to later that night, among a few, smaller various things, but really fun still. I especially like trying to fake two different texting styles and the rush of adrenaline switching phones gave me. So here the video

To start off, i typed up a script on microsoft word in order to have something to follow along with while i was typing. This was important because although i was s p e e d i n g along, to a viewer half of the video is just nothing but those little dots, so i needed a script in order to keep things rolling. after the script was written, it was just a question of not getting any notifications during recording. Didn’t have too much trouble because, as you may or may not have noticed from my phones timestamp, its midnight, but take one did have a wifi notification about midway through recording, which was mad inconveniant. However, during take two, everything went super smoothly and without a hitch. Once I had the recording, i emailed it to myself from my phone and did some minor video editing, just to make the gaps a little shorter and to eliminate me turning off the screen recording. This was super fun and1 10/10 recommend!

get some sleep! -liz

ps the title is a play on a madonna song idk if thats clear but i want it to be

introducing: pac-tris!

okay so this mashup assignment was really cool and also gimp and photo editing has kind of grown on me. I’m by no means an expert, but i can feel the progress and how much calmer i am while using it, which is super cool and makes me really happy. anyways! the assignment. This assignment was to mash up two different video game covers. Sticking with our 80s theme (because i’ve been a little slack on that lately) i decided to go for pacman and tetris, two of the most popular video games during the 80s. Here are the starter covers for each game!

and thus, pac-tris was born! i knew right away that i wanted to make the squares and rectangles of tetris the little maze thing in pac-man, honestly that was the main influence in my decision of which games to mash, i just thought that would super fun so i did it. and the final cover!

My cleanup work on the “tris” is a little bit messy, but i’m so happy with everything else that i’m not too pressed about it. I started out by copying the different shades of blue and slowly but surely making a gradient like the tetris cover, except sans the title of the game. I then proceeded to cover up all of my hard work (and i worked hard) with the orange pac-man block. In hindsite, not my best move. but oh well, nothing to be done. From there, i spent a lot of time scaling the logos, and the ghosts, and the man himself, from the pac-man art i had. I also tried my hand at the smudge tool, and i think you can tell i’m still a beginner at smudging lol. Once all my little characters were placed, i realized if i made the edges of my paintbrush hard, i could add little pac-man dots for my boy to follow! so i did! After all that, i realized i wanted to call the game pac-tris, not just pacman but on top of tetris, so i tried clearing out the blue from the tris, mostly successfully, and added it as a layer as the finishing touch.

Overall i’m super happy with how this turned out and also this sounds like a really fun game. Logistically i’m not sure how one would play it, maybe spend one round stacking and one round eating, but it feels like it would be a good time.

stack on! -liz