Is this the right movie?

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So far, this assignment has been completed 10 times.

Create a poster or ad for an upcoming movie. Let the ad’s theme and movie contradict themselves. For instance, you can have your movie be about kids playing on a Summer day, but your ad shows a spooky side to the plot. A good “everything is not what it seems” kicker. Your movie could be an action packed movie called “Fight It”, but in your ad you can show everyone laughing as if it is a comedy. There are many ways you can mashup this assignment. Make it your own!

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Submissions So Far

This is an ad for “We <3 Oceans”. You may see the title and think that it would be a movie about how wonderful
The Assignment

For Is this the right movie? I needed to come up with a poster or ad for an upcoming

Mashup *** three stars

For this mashup assignment I had to make a movie poster that contradicts the title of the movie. I have had ā€œWe

The Assignment

For Is this the right movie? I needed to come up with a poster or ad for an upcoming

Create a poster or ad for an upcoming movie. Let the adā€™s theme and movie contradict themselves. For instance, you can have your movie be

For this assignment I had to create a movie poster that portrayed two different movie genres. I decided to make this poster with a brick

I chose this mashup assignment because I though tit was kinda funny. I had to pick an upcoming movie and then make a movie cover

This assignments instructions were: Create a poster or ad for an upcoming movie. Let the adā€™s theme and movie contradict themselves. For instance, you can

My third mashup assignment this week is the ā€œIs this the right movie?ā€ assignment. My brother and I love the movie Alien, so I decided

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

If you create a tutorial for this assignment, share it! To have your tutorials appear below, make sure your posts are showing up on theĀ main DS106 siteĀ and that you use the following tags (or labels on Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH !):

Submissions So Far