Assignment Value:

6 votes, average: 2.83 out of 56 votes, average: 2.83 out of 56 votes, average: 2.83 out of 56 votes, average: 2.83 out of 56 votes, average: 2.83 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 28 times.
_cokwr: How much of a story can you tell in a 1 second video? Inspired by this:, _cpzh4: Video, _cre1l:, _chk2m: noiseprofessor, _ciyn3: 213, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

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Submissions So Far

Click here to view the video on YouTube. For The Beauty of a Second assignment, you had only one second to tell a story… any story. But
Here is my entry for “The Beauty of One Second” assignment. I had it revolve around a clip of someone opening a box with a
How much of a story can you tell in a 1 second video? Inspired by this. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I created
For my first video assignment, I wanted to start with a relatively easy one. This is my first time attempting any video editing, so I
Video Assignments: 1 Second Video The description for this assignment asked: “How much of a story can you tell in a 1 second video?” and left
The Assignment was to make a one second video that tells a story.  This sort of constraint presents an interesting challenge that can have surprising

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

If you create a tutorial for this assignment, share it! To have your tutorials appear below, make sure your posts are showing up on the main DS106 site and that you use the following tags (or labels on Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH !):

Submissions So Far