Audio Self-Reflection

Assignment Value:

5 votes, average: 2.40 out of 55 votes, average: 2.40 out of 55 votes, average: 2.40 out of 55 votes, average: 2.40 out of 55 votes, average: 2.40 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 12 times.

Why are you here? What brought you to DS106? Why did you stay?  

Share your DS106 impressions by creating a short 3-5 min audio self-reflection.  Add background music to personalize it even more. Want to meet others and hear what they’ve done? Pop on over to the DS106 Community Self-Reflections.

To add your name, information, and completed audio file to the ever growing ds106 community complete and submit this submission/contact form.  

Do this Assignment

If you complete this assignment, share it! If you are signed up with a blog that feeds theĀ main DS106 site, to have your example added below just add the following tags (or labels if you use Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH!):

If your blog is not connected to ds106, you canĀ add your example directly.

Submissions So Far

For this assignment, we had to discuss why we chose to enroll in DS106.

To do this, I recorded myself and then added the audio

So I loved this assignment and decided to make it my own, by saying why Andrea Carr is involved with #ds106 (because this is the

For my last audio assignment of week 4 I only needed .5 stars. While looking in the assignment bank, I came across the<a title="Audio Self

For my third audio assignment I did a reflection on my time in ds106 so far. I had to answer the questions,

I am always dreaming of this day to come. It’s my final year! I am almost there. I can see my diploma being

The assignment prompt was very straightforward, and that made the creation and editing of the assignment very straightforward as well, even though it was

Have a listen as I get into my experiences of the DS106 and all its glory.

Song is by Electric Grocery, entitled “Hot Spot.”

Share your DS106 impressions by creating a short 3-5 min audio self-reflection.  Add background music to personalize it even more. Want to meet others

I’m not going to explain here! That’s what the audio is for silly.

I really enjoyed learning most of the programs for DS106.  I will definitely be making some GIFs in my future.  Here is the self reflection

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

If you create a tutorial for this assignment, share it! To have your tutorials appear below, make sure your posts are showing up on theĀ main DS106 siteĀ and that you use the following tags (or labels on Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH !):

Submissions So Far

There is quite the amount of preparation for this assignment.  You want to really reflective on this assignment, especially when in terms of talking about