First, take some photos of friends, family, yourself, your dog, or anyone that strikes your fancy! Then, make a collage out of your pictures in the software of your choice and turn it into some rad Album art! Experiment with filters, add shapes and colors, and think about how you can create a design out of your photos. Maybe you could bring in a found image or pattern into your work, or maybe you could cut up your photos to create unique shapes- the possibilties are endless!
Finally, come up with a band name and album title to add to your design piece. Think about your music genre and what decade it would be released in. And most importantly, be creative, and have fun!
(This task combines the Visual Assignment, ‘Unsuspecting Friends’ and the Design assignment, ‘Your Big Break.’ But your friends don’t have to be unsuspecting here. By all means, get permission to photograph your friends)!