Make Your Own Radio Commercial!

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So far, this assignment has been completed 35 times.

When you are driving in the car and a radio commercial comes on you might start to tune the radio out. But, if you were the person selling what the commercial was offering would you want people tuning it out or listening intently? Well, I would want people paying attention to my commercial! So, for this audio assignment pick a product or business you would like to promote and sell! Use a audio recording software such as soundcloud to record your commercial. Add in background music, edits, and provide full information of the business/product/services you are advertising. Try to create a radio commercial that grabs and maintains the audiences’ attention. On the side, write why you chose the object or business you are promoting and the process you used to create your commercial. 

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Submissions So Far

The product I am selling is the game of Kan Jam. It is a game that has recently become the addiction of all my friends and

This was a fun assignment. I enjoyed making this commercial and I think it will go well with our radio show that has a

For this 3.5 point audio assignment, I was instructed to create a commercial, preferably for my group’s DS106 Radio show on Sexspionage. Since my

I took on the Make Your Own Commercial! assignment worth 3 1/2 stars. I was flipping through at random and found this one and

As I was reading “A Logic Named Joe,” I thought there should a marketing campaign to promote this product. I thought of a commercial

For todays audio assignment (4 stars)I created a commercial for the radio. I created this for my final assignment. So far created 5 (4 star) assignments

Our radio show needs commercials as part of the requirement. Problem is, with the advent of Netflix and Adblock, I can’t really recall the last

For this assignment, I decided to make use of the fact that since I need a commercial for the radio show, I might as

This post was not too difficult.  I was able to also embed the song pretty well into this post.  It was the song “Traveller” by

Used Audacity alongside a script to make a radio commercial themed for the old west for saddles. I took Aerosmith’s “Back In The Saddle”

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

If you create a tutorial for this assignment, share it! To have your tutorials appear below, make sure your posts are showing up on theĀ main DS106 siteĀ and that you use the following tags (or labels on Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH !):

Submissions So Far