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7 votes, average: 1.86 out of 57 votes, average: 1.86 out of 57 votes, average: 1.86 out of 57 votes, average: 1.86 out of 57 votes, average: 1.86 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 11 times.
_cokwr: Design some fortunes for hypothetical fortune cookies that characters from a book, movie, or series of books or movies could have gotten during their escapades., _cpzh4: Design, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Tempest, _ciyn3: 59, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

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Submissions So Far

Original assignment (1.5 Stars)

Fortune cookie and movie line mashup.

I created this design using just Microsoft Word and Snipping Tool. I chose six of my

For my third and final Design Assignment, I decided to create some fortune cookies! Using the Harry Potter series (I’m rereading the books right now,

Check out this assignment here: Movie Fortunes (2 stars)

“Design some fortunes for hypothetical fortune cookies that characters from a book, movie, or series of books or movies could

This entry is for the movie fortune assignmentĀ Took me a while to think of a quote from a movie that everyone would know but
This is for the assignment Movie Fortunes I used photoshop for this and i had alot of fun looking for creative phrases that appear on movies
This assignment seemed kind of fun and creative. I liked coming up with my own fortunes involving the escapades or a journey or some sort.
Assignment from : Movie Fortunes First Fortune: from Ash.Pikachu, character from Pokemon is “Electric” Type but the enemy Onix is “Rock” type, that it is impossible
???????????????????????? “I don’t think 1+1 would be less than 1!!!!!!” by Nobita NobiAn anime movie “???????????????ā€, Nobita and the Legend of the Sun King. When a King
I decided to make these fortunes challenging.Ā  If you know your anime, sci-fi shows, and fantasy novels, then you’ll get them all.Ā  I will give
So, I was thinking about what Iā€™d submit for a design assignment for digital storytelling. My fingers touched the fortune from the fortune cookie I

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Submissions So Far