One Movie Watches Another

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4 votes, average: 3.50 out of 54 votes, average: 3.50 out of 54 votes, average: 3.50 out of 54 votes, average: 3.50 out of 54 votes, average: 3.50 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 11 times.

Find some clips of a classic movie where a character is in a movie theater, or is watching something on a TV or computer screen. Edit in sequences from a newer movie’s trailer, one that you wou;d totally not expect this character to be watching. Get it? One movie watching another. If you are good, the watching character’s emotions will be relfectd by the scenes in the new movie. Even better, bleed some of the audio of the newer trailer over the original so the sounds overlap.

For examples see:

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Submissions So Far

For my first mashup assignment, I did the “One Movie Watches Another” assignment. I’ve been binge-watching “Pretty Little Liars” as of late, so the first

In light of recent events, this assignment was pretty cathartic.  I used a scene from Poltergeist to depict the watcher and a <a

The next assignment that I completed was One Movie Watches Another. The idea within this assignment was to create a video where

For my “One Movie Watches Another” assignment I took a scene from “Entourage” where the whole gang is watching one of Vince’s movie premiers

For this assignment, I made a remix inside of a remix.  We were supposed to make a movie where someone was watching a movie

For this assignment, I made a remix inside of a remix.  We were supposed to make a movie where someone was watching a movie

For this assignment, I made a remix inside of a remix.  We were supposed to make a movie where someone was watching a movie

You know, I was honestly hopeful when Master did a few of the assignments for this week himself, that he would do the rest on
The purpose of this assignment was to combine two movie scenes in which one scene looks as if it is watching the other movie scene.
What if Samantha didn’t kill every one in The Ring? Well then chances are Adam Sanlder directed it. For this assignment I took a clip from the ring, and

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

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Submissions So Far