Row Row Polyphony

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4 votes, average: 3.25 out of 54 votes, average: 3.25 out of 54 votes, average: 3.25 out of 54 votes, average: 3.25 out of 54 votes, average: 3.25 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 19 times.

An imitative polyphony can best be described as when you were younger in music class and the teacher would have one side of the class start singing “row row row your boat” and then part way through the song have the other half of the class start singing from the beginning.  It is basically two similar melodies sung at the same time, but at different points.

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Submissions So Far


Creating this song wasn’t hard. The most time-consuming thing was figuring out
what song I wanted to choose that I thought would sound best when

Have you ever sung a canon with yourself?

This is possible with a record of you singing the canon once. Afterwards you have to listen to yourself

For this assignment (…row-polyphony/) I was to make a polyphony of a song. That just means, play a song and then time it

“I am a poor man,
I have nothing,
I want for nothing.”

I first encountered this wonderful round during my B.Ed. year at Queens University, Kingston. As part

I wanted to try my hand at making a polyphony. I love music and am pretty much listening to some kind of music all the

An imitative polyphony can best be described as when you were younger in music class and the teacher would have one side of the class

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Submissions So Far