Short Story with random words and animal(s)

Assignment Value:

6 votes, average: 3.17 out of 56 votes, average: 3.17 out of 56 votes, average: 3.17 out of 56 votes, average: 3.17 out of 56 votes, average: 3.17 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 32 times.

The task is to create a short story or poem using 10 random words. Go to random word generator and change it to generate ten words then select “Generate Random Words”. From there, choose an animal and find a way to add that animal along with your ten random words into your short story. Your story can be about anything so feel free to get creative.

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Submissions So Far

For this writing assignment, I chose to write a poem (three stars). However, I was also inspired by another post (also three stars)

For this assignment I had to go to this Random Word Generator site and generate 10 random words and use those words to create a

The task is to create a short story or poem using 10 random words. Go to random word generator and change it to generate ten words then

The task is to create a short story or poem using 10 random words. Go to random word generator and change it to generate

Bill the turtle was on a mission to rob a bank. However, if he was going to successfully pull of the heist, he would need

I am doing this three star assignment a  Short Story telling a story with 10 random words. This assignment is called “Short Story With

I spent a long time sifting through the assignment bank, trying to pick which assignment to complete. I chose to complete this writing assignment titled

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

If you create a tutorial for this assignment, share it! To have your tutorials appear below, make sure your posts are showing up on theĀ main DS106 siteĀ and that you use the following tags (or labels on Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH !):

Submissions So Far

Hoofs beat against the worn dirt of a path in sharp contrast to the silence of the night, stopping at the thatched house at the end.