The Contest Nobody Could Win

Assignment Value:

4 votes, average: 3.00 out of 54 votes, average: 3.00 out of 54 votes, average: 3.00 out of 54 votes, average: 3.00 out of 54 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 32 times.
_cokwr: Take six very short fragments (less than one second each) from six different songs and ensemble them into a single piece. Expect others to guess which six songs you have used. Basic rules: 1) do not repeat songs 2) do not use covers (unless the cover is much better than the original, sh*t happens) 3) John Cage's 4'33'' is not a song!!! , _cpzh4: Audio, _cre1l:, _chk2m: procsilas, _ciyn3: 89, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

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Submissions So Far

Saved the best for last!! (Actually, maybe not the best, but definitely the hardest!) I’ve been sitting here working on “The Contest Nobody Could Win”
I actually came across this assignment when pushing the random assignment button in the assignment bank. I only need two more stars to complete my
Take six very short fragments from six different songs and ensemble them into a single piece.   To start off in Audio, I decided on the “Contest
The Assignment: I found this assignment, and always appreciate a chance to share good music with others, so I did it. The instructions
Can you guess the six songs in the clip? Doubt it. I used Ableton Live 8 to create the clip and just split each track
I didn’t see this assignment until later after I finished the 4 stars, but I still wanted to try it.  The assignment was to t”ake
For this audio assignment,, I decided to randomly pick 6 songs from my computer’s music library.  I did however stick to one genre, country  To
For this assignment, I got short pieces from 6 different songs and put them into once piece. I tried creating the effect of tuning through
I saw the assignment name, the contest nobody could win, and took it as a challenge. Could I find bits that are reasonably recognizable? I
Although I feel like I may have made this too easy. This is my first dip into the unknown waters of audio editing. For my first

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Submissions So Far