What’s in your bag?

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3 votes, average: 2.33 out of 53 votes, average: 2.33 out of 53 votes, average: 2.33 out of 53 votes, average: 2.33 out of 53 votes, average: 2.33 out of 5

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Your purse, bag, packpack, murse, whatever, is your constant companion throughout your adult life. What are the essentials in your bag that get you through the day? Take a picture of the items and detail each of them with a description.

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Submissions So Far

Paper handkerchiefs. Wallet. Keys. Aspirin. Pen. Nasal Spray. Ear plugs. Lighter. Pepto. Water. Cigarettes.

Here’s what I keep in my purse at all time. Exciting stuff.…

This assignment is exactly as the title sounds: what items do you keep in your bag? After gathering up all of the stuff that I

A view into my teacher bag. Visual Assignment 1556 required I take a picture of the essentials in my bag. Luckily my school bag was sitting

As I’ve made it clear in the past I am an avid fan of science fiction so being that I created a character that was

Merrell, the savvy gambler that he is, has a few necessities that he carries with him on the trail. For this assignment, I created

For my Indian Maiden character, Jacali, this is what’s in her woven basket! Some reeds she shucked to create more baskets, some wild berries

What does Rose Oakley carry around in her saddle bag? Just the essentials. Water, a lantern, and her trusty utility knife. Traveling

This assignment asked us to show what’s in our character’s bag. My character, Danny Keys, has an interesting assortment of items. He keeps

So in Marlene’s bag are quite a few interesting items…

scissors – because you never know when you’ll need a pair of these shot glass – bartenders

What’s in my Saddle Bag for surviving in West as the Sheriff’s son? Here’s a list of things in my bag.

The first thing I need

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Submissions So Far