Your Character’s Past

Assignment Value:

5 votes, average: 4.00 out of 55 votes, average: 4.00 out of 55 votes, average: 4.00 out of 55 votes, average: 4.00 out of 55 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 25 times.

If you’ve been a part of DS106 for at least a few weeks, you’ve probably already thought of and created a host character that you will be following around for the remainder of the semester. There are already a lot of assignemnts that deal with your character, but for this assignment, you need to explain how your character grew up, and what made them the way they are today. Did they have a happy or sad childhood? What decisions in life led them up to the point they are at now? Just give us some more detailed background on your character, and make it be worth at least 3 stars.

Do this Assignment

If you complete this assignment, share it! If you are signed up with a blog that feeds the main DS106 site, to have your example added below just add the following tags (or labels if you use Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH!):

If your blog is not connected to ds106, you can add your example directly.

Submissions So Far

Agnus was born and raised in Tombstone, Arizona. Her mother didn’t work much growing up, she just kind of helped around town and her father

I’ve never seen bluer skies than when I went south to Virginia. As soon as I stepped off the train into that hot summer evening,

Nobody can imagine what makes a man to be an undertaker.
Nobody is very happy when talking to an undertaker. So the story of my life

Assignment (3 stars)

This was one of my original assignments, and is one of the assignments that I plan to incorporate into my final project. For

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

If you create a tutorial for this assignment, share it! To have your tutorials appear below, make sure your posts are showing up on the main DS106 site and that you use the following tags (or labels on Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH !):

Submissions So Far