Favorite Musician

This assignment required us to make a Gif of your favorite musician  and the first one came to mind is Mos Def. I do not like him just for his skills and what he has done for the genre but what he has done for other mediums like film. He was amazing in Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy, Be Kind and Rewind, and 16 Blocks to name a few. He also is a philanthropist and also help bring attention to things that needs to be addressed in the world like water boarding and force feeding of prisoners. I would not of known how painful and horrible it was to force feed someone by putting a tube up someones nose down their throat.

Instead of doing a gif of a music video I made one of him just free-styling in his everyday clothes.  I made the gif using ImgFlip. I took the video from YouTube by using software I already have called WonderShare (amazing software package) and cut the video to the desired length. I believe it came out pretty well.

The Mighty Mos Def

“So it’s Gonna be Forever”

For this Assignment, worth 3 stars, we were asked to make a GIF from a video from one of our favorite artists.  For this I chose a video from Taylor Swift.  Taylor Swift causes a lot of controversy, but also a lot of joy.  Some say she is crazy and a mess, but I think few can deny she has artistic talents.  This video for her hit “Blank Space” goes through all the emotions, from joy to heartbreak, from a lover to a crazy girlfriend/ ex-girlfriend.

Every female, I believe, can go through these emotions from being upset and maybe wanting to throw something or go overly dramatic crazy to being the lovey dovey type.  We all think it could be forever with someone and then they go and break our hearts, but life moves on and we might have to go through the phase of breaking stuff, but then we get over it and can fall in love again.  I chose a part where she gets crazy but is still semi calm because I believe this describes women well where we might be crazy but can still be calm.  Also, this describes one of the characteristics that people describe Taylor Swift as.

To do this, I found the video on YouTube and uploaded it to a website that works magic and allows for you to choose the spot of the video for the GIF and how long for it to go.  So I chose 2 seconds at 2:14 in the video, and here is the result!  Enjoy a slight taste of craziness!


Bunny’s favorite musician

While watching season 4, episode 10 of The Wire, I was surprised to hear Bunny listening to Billie Holiday. For such an important character, we seem to know so little about his personal life, such as his likes and hobbies. So for my second Bunny relayed assignment for the final project, I took an animated gif of Billie Holiday from a live performance of “The Blues are Brewin”.


I decided to use this post as an opportunity to show how to take simple animated gifs for assignments. I simply used Gyazo to take a short gif of a selection from the video. This result is:


I then saved the gif, and uploaded the image to wordcloud using “add media”. The image is embedded full size so that it automatically plays.


Difficulty Rating: 3 stars


Robert Glasper is a beast of a piano player. His last few albums focused on combining jazz and hip hop together.

Mr. Glasper

Robert Glasper is a beast of a musician. With his latest albums he was able to fuse to worlds of jazz and hip hop together.  Everything he does musically is just dope. Tweet Share on Tumblr

Favorite Musician GIF

Choose your favorite musician, and then head to Youtube and pick one of their videos to make an animated gif of. Try to use the best quality video possible, preferably HD.