I just finished completing the Sound Effects Story assignment, and wow was that frustrating! I could not figure out how to layer files in Audacity, so after 30 minutes of trying on my own I finally decided to look for help on the ds106 page and lone behold there was a video on how to layer it. Once I figured this out, it was fairly easy. I downloaded all my sounds from freesound.org and then just imported them into Audacity. The five sounds I chose were 1) dogs barking 2) gun shots 3) a horse galloping 4) opening a door and 5) people talking. I actually asked my roommate to listen and tell me if she had any idea what the story was supposed to be and she said “someone riding a horse to a saloon?”. She was right, this was Agnus’s ride to work earlier today. She left her house and saw her brother and father outside shooting in the backyard, as she was leaving the dogs were barking and the horse galloped off into town. Once she got into town, she got off her horse and tied her up and then opened the door to the saloon to all the chatter and started her shift for the night!