Informed Decisions

I was scrolling through assignments trying to figure out which one to attempt when I came across the motivational poster one.

It caught my eye due to the fact that many motivational posters nowadays floating around the internet tend to be sarcastic and funny.  DonaldTrump

At the time of creation I had been listening to the news and Donald Trump came on the air. Personally, I can’t stand him. Some of the comments I’ve heard him make are bombastic and outrageous. So, I quickly came up with the poster seen above.

I think the message the picture conveys is fairly clear. Educate yourself on the issues before casting your vote. It may motivate someone to inform themselves on issues candidates discuss especially ones to which Donald Trump may refer. The consequences of your vote may be good or bad.

Undertale Inspiration

Just Sans and good times. I guess?

Motivational Poster

Find an image and design a Motivational Poster for that situation. It should include advice or a favorite quote. Feel free to get creative or make it sarcastic.