St. Olaf Runaway

Assignment #2

For my second assignment I decided to make a missing persons poster for a fictional tv/movie character. In my previous assignments I have said that my favorite tv show at the moment is Golden Girls, so to carry on that theme I made a missing persons poster for Rose Nylund. I included facts about Rose from the show and include some inside jokes only people who have seen the show would understand! I used the canva website again to make this poster!

Missing Poster

During the week of design assignments, I chose to make a missing poster for myself. Originally, I felt weird making one for myself and I was going to make one for my dog but it made me too sad. The reason I chose to design the assignment the way I did was because I looked at several missing posters from the 1980s and found that the style I chose was used frequently in real missing posters. When I was writing the description for the “last seen” portion, I tried to describe what I was wearing in a way similar to what someone in the 80s would wear. Different styles were prevalent in the 80s but I found that Levy’s was a big brand name and my dad told me that checkered vans were also a big trend. I tried to edit the photo to make it look distressed.

So here is the final product…

Assignment Bank: Missing Person

After seeing an assignment to create a poster for a missing poster, I had a great idea: Why not make this missing person a criminal, and why make it a person at all? On November 9th, 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, and signaled the end of Communism in Europe. Being such a significant moment in history tying into our theme, this was an excellent opportunity to highlight that moment, as well as those who suffered under Communist rule during the decade by personifying Communism as an escaped murderer on the loose, nowhere to be found. I used Microsoft Paint for the assignment, using the text tool to write out the text, criticizing and describing both the horrors of the terrible ideology and it being overthrown as a person. I copied/pasted the USSR flag from Wikipedia, which is free use, and used the Old English Text MT font on the title to make it look like an authentic newspaper headline.

The assignment link:

Missing Person

Charlie Brown is missing! Please call this number if you have seen him. We need him back on Peanuts now. I chose Charlie Brown so I could relate this assignment to the 1980s theme. Charlies Brown is a very important piece in the Peanuts comic strip. He’s always the one that suffers a lot, even when he is trying to do some good. I don’t know who would do such a thing (could have been Snoopy). We will get to the bottom of this.

Luckily I was able to file this report. First I had to look up a photo of Charlie Brown through Google. Then I went to DesignCap and added in the text. I downloaded the image to my computer and uploaded it here using the Image button. Now go call this number so we can find him!

Missing Person

This design assignment was called “Missing Person” and the point of it was to make a missing person flyer that had all of the following information: picture, the name, characteristics, and last seen date and place. The assignment said to make it of a fictional character or tv character so I decided to tie this into our 80’s theme by using a character from one of this most popular shows of the 80’s, Stephanie Tanner from Full House. I listen and watch a lot of crime shows so I knew what to add and how it should look but I thought it would be difficult to make this because of the shapes and how most of these posters look and I would need to add of lot of text boxes. I looked up missing person templates for word and it brought me to this website I used this to create the missing person flyer, I changed the background colors and the picture, I also looked up information on how old she was and height, etc to make it more realistic.

Wanted: Captain America

Spoiler Alert: This post will spoil Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War.

During my weekly deep search into the assignment bank, I came across the Missing Person assignment and thought it would be amusing to do the assignment with a fictional character.

This assignment requires you to make a missing person poster with some required information, but I decided to take a twist on the assignment and do a wanted poster instead.

As mentioned on my website and in my last blog, I just watched all of the Marvel/Avengers movies over winter break and fell in love (and got my heart broken).

My favorite movies are Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. I’ve watched them a few times since I first watched all of the movies. One of my favorite scenes is in the beginning of Infinity War when we see all of the Avengers begin to come together again, especially when Captain America comes back to help Wanda and Vision since he has been in hiding.

So, for this assignment, I decided to make a wanted poster for Captain America post-Civil War.

I started off making the poster in PowerPoint but decided to switch to Canva since it has more options (and I forgot it existed when I started the assignment).

Since the Sokovia Accords were passed by the United Nations, I decided to make the poster wanted by the UN. I tried to stick with their color scheme (blue and white).

I looked up a FBI wanted poster to give myself an idea of what they normally look like. I learned that there isn’t really a template, but there is information that is kept the same throughout the posters. So, I took the template into my own hands.

The rest of the poster is pretty self-explanatory. I tried to keep the fonts the same or similar to each other.

I had a lot of fun with this assignment! I also tried to make it as accurate as possible. If I was wrong about something, please correct me.

Missing Person

When Cameron was in Egypt’s land, let my Cameron go.”


Please refer to this poster and be on the lookout for Cameron! He has been missing since 1985! Call the number on the poster with any questions or possible information. Thank you!

Missing: Jess Carter

Directions: Create a missing posters flyer for a fictional movie/show character, made-up person, animal, or a real person. Be sure to include a picture, the name, characteristics, and last seen date and place. Let your imagination do the talking for this poster!

I decided to include my secret agent for this missing poster. If Jess Carter were to go missing, I think this is what her missing poster would look like. I created the poster on Canva, with the help of their templates for the “missing” category.

Again, I was able to reuse the secret agent character I created and have been using in my assignments, which I think is awesome. I love that I get to reuse this little character, it has been so helpful and keeping my secret agent themed assignments consistent.

Lost Dog!

For my final design assignment for this week, I chose the 3 1/2 star assignment Missing Person assignment. This now puts me at 12 1/2 stars. The assignment said that we didn’t have to have a person missing so I chose to have my dog missing. Now if he ever went missing I think I just might die! Here is the poster/flyer I created:

I found a website called Poster My Wall and they had a bunch of different templates I could choose from. I chose this template because the paper looked realistic and it looked like a poster I would actually create if my dog actually went missing. I just replaced the default information with my information for my dog. That is actually a picture of my dog and not one from the internet.

The Search for Agent Squirrel

Missing Person Instructions:

Create a missing posters flyer for a fictional movie/show character, made-up person, animal, or a real person. Be sure to include a picture, the name, characteristics, and last seen date and place. Let your imagination do the talking for this poster!

Assignment Bank-Design Assignments

Agent Squirrel has gone missing! Posters like the one below have been found all over the place. Hopefully, Agent Squirrel will be found and be able to continue saving the world, one missing acorn at a time.

I got really excited when I saw this assignment. I immediately thought that this would be a great way to dive into the new theme of my blog: super secret squirrel. I also thought that it would be a great assignment that I could relate to the theme of the course.

Creating the Poster

In order to come up with the layout for my missing person, or squirrel, by taking ideas from the example provided on the assignment page. I copied the template almost entirely, but I played with the fonts a little bit to match my theme.

With the fonts, I liked how they look like it was typed using a typewriter. (Just in case you might be curious, I used the fonts Courier New and Special Elite.) I also used the fonts that mimicked a typewriter because it reminds me of classified information and spies. I am not completely sure why it does, but maybe it is because the fonts make everything seem more official (like it was typed up by the government or something).

Here’s the template that I have been referring to:

While my poster design is not too distinct from the template, I put a lot of imagination and creativity into my missing squirrel (who could possibly become a recurring character on my blog, so stay tuned!).

The Development of Sammy A. Squirrel

I got the idea to make a secret agent squirrel the star of my blog (and this missing poster) from my dad. I told him about the secret agent theme of this course, and he told me about posters that he walks by every day that have super secret squirrels on them. Here’s one of the posters:

I thought it would be a cool theme for my blog, and now it’s a fun part of my assignments. (I’ll add some more about finding this new theme on my Weekly Summary.)

I wanted this squirrel and poster to be very realistic (despite the fact that the squirrel is a secret agent). So for every little description of this secret agent squirrel, I made sure that they could actually apply to a real squirrel. For example, when I got to “age,” I immediately opened a new tab and searched, “how long do squirrels live?”. Google said they live for about 15 years, so I just went with 8 years old to show that Sammy A. Squirrel is grown up but not too old to do his action-packed agent job.

The little story behind Sammy A. Squirrel’s disappearance did not have too much thought behind it. I just associate squirrels with acorns, so the best thing for a secret agent squirrel to do is return acorns to his squirrel friends. I am honestly not very sure why I made flying squirrels the bad guys in this, but it makes for a silly little story.

This assignment was really fun to do. I enjoyed creating the poster, creating a special character for the poster (and my blog), and just tweaking everything until it looked perfect.

(For tweaking, I changed font sizes, fonts, boldness of the fonts, and spacing between all of the different elements.)