Tell me bout it…..

Click here for the original assignment

I decided to relate this assignment to our class theme, the 70’s. I picked the movie Grease and a famous quote for it, “Tell me bout it, stud.” Grease is a movie I often watch with my mom because she LOVES it. She has probably seen it 100 times now. *Side note: sorry the picture is blurry….

Favorite Movie Quote

“I love you, I know.”

-The Empire Strikes Back

This is one of my favorite Star Wars movies EVER! There are so many memorable scenes, laughs, and quotes and in my opinion, it’s the best Star Wars movie out there! And I still can’t believe it came out in 1980!

I love Han Solo and Princess Leia so much in this whole franchise! Their friendship as well as their romantic relationship is so cute! And I feel like this quote sums up their entire relationship, in 5 words! Hopefully this movie quote was nostalgic to you, and brought your imagination to a galaxy far far away! ?

Princess Bride

This assignment was fun to complete. I decided to take a movie from the 80’s and add a quote to it from the movie showing how space and design play a role where they eye looks initially. This assignment was to take a picture from the movie and add a quote to it over the image for 2.5 stars. I decided on the Princess Bride because I really like the entire movie and there are some good quotes in it that are true or just funny. I started by looking for pictures from the movie that I liked, then thought of quotes that I like online and added them together just using word and their formatting tools. I had a tough choice between which quotes I wanted to use that would make the least sense with the photo. My goal was to mismatch the picture and the quotes. I decided to find a quote that made some sense with the picture but still funny.

I think I did a good job at using the space I had. I made the background of the text white so it would stick out more on the black shirt and the space I used is still rule of thirds. I enjoyed working with it and figuring out the spatial part of this week and design of the entire picture. The mini version of the buy in black in the corner I think is a cool artistic side, feels like he’s showing how the bigger version is feeling, like a mini me version. I just am a fan of the movie, I think the 80’s produced some really good movies, and scenes with quotes that will last forever.

Just extra because I still like the quote ?

This was going to be the other quote I was going to do with a different picture because it is so iconic and from the 80’s revenge feeling.

The Thing from Elm street on a Friday

Favorite Movie Quote

In my opinion the 80’s produced some of the best horror movies of all time. Most of the movies i’m fond of from this era are those films where you have to think about what you just watched for about twenty minutes after. The 80’s pioneered a new wave set and costume design, while screenwriters produced ideas for some of these films that came straight from nightmares. Movies like: Pumpkin Head, The Fly, and Alien all have main protagonists who are some of the ugliest creatures on film. While movies like Hellraiser The Shining, or The Thing have story-lines make you feel like it was going to happen to you next. Hellraiser is one of the weirdest movies I’ve ever watched how did Clive Barker think of all this.

What the 80’s movie collective is known for is the slasher films. Friday the 13, Nightmare on Elm Street, the Chuckie franchise and others were wildly successful into the future from their original releases. Out of the slasher films I’ve sat through I think the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise is my favorite. While it is scary and suspenseful throughout the movie there are some moments of almost out of place humor.

The quote I decided on for this post isn’t one of some significance to the movie, but I chose it just because of how stereo-typically 80’s it is. This is the scene where Nancy first encounters Freddy after hearing his voice a few sleeps prior. Towards the beginning of the scene Nancy goes down to the boiler room which happens to not exist under a school, but rather another place in the movie that Freddy chases everyone into in their dreams. The quote comes towards the end of the scene where Nancy is backed up into a corner with Freddy closing in. Moments before Nancy wakes up, Freddy is mere feet away from Nancy and says “come to Freddy” followed by a “GODDAMN YOUUUU” screamed out by Nancy. The part that gets me is that they immediately pan over to Freddy and he is just flicking his tongue back and forth. The directors thought it was a good idea to pair laser beam sound effects with the flicking of his tongue.

I created the gif from this clip so if you want to hear it for yourself its from 3:10-3:15


This is one of my favorite sob story movies and inspirational quotes I live by. I strive for a relationship like Noah and Allie’s. DesignAssignments, DesignAssignments1974

and the oscar goes to…

For this assignment, the task was to pick our favorite movie quote. I absolutely love the movie Good Will Hunting and chose a quote from it.

Design Assignment

One of my favorite spy movie characters is Bryan Mills from the trilogy “Taken”. Coincidentally he is played by one of my favorite actors, Liam Neeson. I remember watching the first movie in the series when it was released back in 2009 with my family and was completely baffled by the prominent issue of Albanian sex smugglers in France. I have always had a very close relationship with my father so I really admire the CIA operative character that Neeson plays and watching the journey he embarks on in order to get his daughter back.
I created the Design Assignment “Favorite Movie Quote” to share one of my favorite movies, spy characters, and quotes all in one! I used a photo-editing app on my phone called “PicFrame”.

We’re Just Ordinary People, Changing the World

My favorite movie quote is from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The instructions for the “Favorite Movie Quote” assignment were to “Choose one of your favorite movie quotes and insert the quote over an image from the movie you chose.” I absolutely love the Lord of the Rings, but this is a quote not found in any of the books. It was created for the first Hobbit movie.

I think that this quote is an important reminder that we don’t need to be rich or powerful to make a difference. Each of us has our own gifts, and just by spreading kindness and love we are able to change the world around us for the better.

I created this image with Canva. I found the movie still on this site. I wish that I had found the site the week that we did photography. It has thousands of stills from all sorts of different movies. It’s definitely a great resource for the future. I uploaded the still to Canva and added the text, making sure that I quoted the movie correctly. I experimented with fonts and placement before finalizing my creation, which you can see below.

Quote it! (Backwards)

For my second remix assignment, I decided to remix the Favorite Movie Quote Assignment. The remix task I received was to reverse the assignment, so I decided to reverse the quote and write it backwards. It sounds kind of cool, but does not makes sense, backwards. I decided to keep with the Eat, Pray, Love theme I seem to be doing this week, and picked a quote from this movie. I thought this quote, even though it is hard to actually read what it means, fit well with this reversal theme. It talks about what we think a soul mate is versus what it actually is and talks about the soul mate being a mirror.

After I picked the quote, I went to Google Images to find a picture. I decided on this picture that has the main character and one of her love interests. I then went to Canva, uploaded the picture, and added the text. It was a brain exercise to write the quote backwards! I changed the font color to white so that it would stand out more. I then screenshot it when I liked it!

Doing the remix assignments added a twist and made the assignments seem more interesting! I enjoyed the additional creativity they called for!


One of My All Time Favorites!!!

One of my all-time favorite movies is The Little Rascals. I can quote just about all the lines from the movie. One of my favorite scenes is when Alfalfa decides to write Darla a love note after being told he couldn’t see her because he was on probation. In order for him to get the note to her, he had to tell his friends that it was a hate note so that they would deliver it. As he writes his actual note telling Darla that he can’t live without her, he says the fake message

“Dear Darla, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You’re skum between my toes. Love Alfalfa”. As his friends deliver the note to Darla, they misplace the actual note and verbally tell her what it “said”.  I love the way they restated the note for her. Every time I see that part of the movie, I laugh to myself. I could only imagine the thoughts that were going through Darla’s mind at the moment.