He Who Makes an Emoji out of Himself

This is my response to the Mashing Friends and Emojis assignment, worth 4 stars. I had to put a picture of a person next to an emoji with a similar expression. I found this picture of my dad that I thought was kind of funny that also reminded me of the toothy grin emoji.

emoji man.png

As I was placing the images in the layout, “Bat Country” by Avenged Sevenfold started playing in my head and it reminded me of a certain quote by Samuel Johnson: “He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.” My adaptation made me giggle so I decided to use it. As usual, I made this in Inkscape.

Who Will Lead us Without Harambe?

This is my response to the Fictional Radio Ad assignment, worth 4 stars. I had to make an imaginary radio advertisement. I chose to promote the election of King Harambe’s successor. I tied this back to the semester’s overarching theme of the internet by building it on an internet meme, Harambe. I don’t know when Harambe first got labeled as a King, but I ran with that idea. I recorded my voice in Reaper. For the background music, I improvised on my MIDI keyboard with the piano sound loaded in Garritan Personal Orchestra. I wanted the music to start out dark and somber and then light up with hope as I discuss the prospect of a new leader. I decided improvising was better than composing something because that made the tune more spontaneous than something that was more carefully crafted. I also recorded without a metronome so the tempo would ebb and flow with the mood of the song.

Stop Taking the Internet so Seriously

This is my response to the 911, What’s Your Emergency? assignment worth 3.5 stars. All recording was done in Reaper. I used built in plugins to remove background noise from the recordings and I played around a bit with the equalization of my voice. I chose to make this project relate back to the semester’s overarching theme of the internet. This is the story of someone who sees something offensive on Twitter and freaks out. This story is a reference to how people take stupid things said on the internet way too seriously sometimes. If you are someone who does this, I am asking you, for the good of the world, to please calm down. The 911 operator’s willingness to immediately act without even hearing what exactly happened is a reference to the tendency of the media and of individuals to jump to irrational conclusions based on incomplete evidence. In an era where information is readily available in mass quantities, we must take special precautions to monitor and analyze all of the data we take in.

Don’t Break Your Back

This is my response to the Motivational Poster assignment, worth 3 stars. I had to design a motivational poster with a picture and a quote. I used Inkscape. Actually putting this little project together was very easy. The hard part was deciding what to do. There were so many possibilities and I didn’t want to miss any golden opportunities, but I knew I wanted to do something humorous. I used a photo of my old office chair that I literally used until it broke in half. It showed signs it was close to giving out, but I chose to keep using it anyway because “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The pump that kept the chair raised stopped working and the chair starting resting at extreme and unnatural angles a few days before the incident. If I remember correctly, I was actually sitting in this chair when it gave up on life and I got dumped forward onto the floor as the once-comfy chair fell backwards to its untimely demise.

motivational poster.png

Chihuahua Performs at Local Comedy Club and the Crowd Can’t get Enough

This is my response to the Sound Effects Stories assignment, worth 3.5 stars. I had to merge various sound effects to create a story. Here, I tell the story of a Chihuahua who performs at a comedy club and is quite loved by the crowd. Most of the sounds are from freesounds.com. I tapped my webcam mic for the soundcheck tapping and scratching as well as the breath sound. I recorded the ambiance of my room as a subtle effect to make it sound more like all of this audio was recorded in the same place.

Tuning in to get Turnt

This is my response to the Create a Radio Bumper assignment. I had to create a short radio bumper for the Ds106 radio station. When I hear the term “bumper,” the first thing I think of is cars, so it only made sense to base the bumper around that. I started with a car crash sound sample. I recorded my voice and the bass with Reaper. The drum samples were made with MT Power Drum Kit, a MIDI instrument that simulates an acoustic drum set.

Something isn’t Quite Right

This is my response to The Forrest Gump Project assignment. I had to photo-edit myself into a historic photograph.

I really like how it looks like the kid driving the car is giving me the stink eye. I imagine he is thinking “Who is this with her futuristic looking clothing?” The other kids look like they are trying to ignore me, but they can’t hide their discomfort with the future lady. Perhaps they want the camera man to hurry up and shoo me away, but he knows this is a legendary photo opportunity.

I found this picture of some kids in a car I liked. I like that it is a nice, wide shot that I can relatively easily stick another person in without the angles being inconsistent.


I shopped in this photo of myself in a goofy pose. I looked for a picture of me with similar lighting and camera angles to the old photo so the picture would look consistent, even though my clothing makes it quite obvious I’m not from the same time as those kids.IMG_5469.JPG

The Crucible Remix

This is my response to the Alternative Book Covers assignment. The challenge was to create an alternative cover for a book that changes the entire theme. The Crucible was originally a bout the Salem Witch Trials. A crucible is a piece of lab equipment used to hold hot metals, so I made a cover that makes it appear as though the book is about scientists working in a lab. I drew the image in Gimp with my Wacom graphics tablet. I used Inkscape to put the text in because text is easier to work with and more versatile in Inkscape.


The Weather is More Unstable Than my Neighbors’ Marriage!

This is my response to the What’s The Weather In Your Neck Of The Woods? assignment. I had to create a video of myself forecasting the weather. Weather is never interesting to watch, so I set out to change that! The most challenging part of this video was probably getting the Cyberlox (the springy tube stuff) into my hair. I had to put my hair into pigtail buns on top of my head, then wrap hair ties attached to the Cyberlox around the buns. Finding a make-shift weather map was pretty fun. I made it from leftover poster board. I tend to be awkward in front of the camera, so I made that a part of the video by becoming a disorganized and under-prepared weather forecaster. There is also a vague plot underneath the events in this video.

Belle’s Awful Taste in Men

This is my response to the Terrible Crossover Fanfiction assignment, for which you must use this crossover idea generator to create a writing prompt. I refreshed the page several times for two fandoms I have at least a vague degree of familiarity with. I settled on this one.beuterman.png

Writing this fanfiction helped me not take things so seriously. Sometimes, a little bit of ridiculous is okay, even preferable. Working on this was excellent comic relief between working on Physics and Expository Writing. Without further ado, here is the fanfiction:

It was a dark night. Belle was running swiftly, but carefully through the woods. She had escaped a decrepit castle after being captured and held by a frightening beast. She tripped over a hidden branch and found herself face to face with a tall, faceless figure. Tentacles appeared from behind its back and lashed toward her. Whack! The tentacles were intercepted by a familiar figure, the beast. He succeeded in driving the mysterious figure away, but he was seriously wounded. Belle decided to take him back to the castle to nurse his wounds.

“What was that?” Belle asked.

“The Slenderman” Beast answered. “He hangs out it the woods stalking and kidnapping travelers, especially children.” Belle felt her heart rate increase.

“You saved me.” Belle looked away. She noticed an ominously familiar figure in a window. “I see him, its the Slenderman!” she exclaimed. The Slenderman slithered through the open window. “Woah, now that I get a better look at him, he’s kind of handsome.” Belle commented.

“What!” roared the beast, “We are in grave danger and all you can think about is how attractive he is?” Slenderman readied his tentacles once again. Beast charged him. The two became locked in intense combat, they seemed nearly equally powerful.

“Wait!” Belle chimed in “I know a better way to settle this. I have romantic feelings for both of you, so why don’t we settle this with a beauty pageant.” Slenderman and Beast both tilted their heads in confusion but decided Belle’s suggestion was better than fighting.

Beast’s various living appliances set up a makeshift stage. The pageant was ready to begin. Belle sat alone in the judge booth. Beast and Slenderman emerged from the curtains sporting tank tops and hot pants. A new kind of battle raged late into the night. A battle of signing, dancing, and underwater basket weaving. The kitchen sink sulked, feeling dejected over having been the only item not included in the competition. Belle scratched her head as she carefully considered her options. Finally, she spoke. “The winner is, Slenderman!” She ran up to slenderman and grabbed his hand. The two of them ran out into the woods together.

“I can’t believe it,” Beast mused “I’m going to be a monster forever.”