You are my sunshine!

Check out my first ever vine video! This depicts what makes me happy. Also, my favorite art to do is color!

A papercraft clue


What? How odd, a tombstone with Crawlston on it, and his first name’s initial…


Just made a quick papercraft prop of a tombstone, simple and easy to make, all you have to do is download a template from a website, print it, cut it out, and follow the folding lines with some glue!

Talie’s Six Second Art

For this assignment I was to create a six second video of myself creating art. This week I have to complete ten stars worth of video assignments that incorporate my created western character, Talie. You can read more about Talie here. I chose this assignment because I do like art particularly drawing (even though I am not good at it). I find it to be relaxing just to doodle and let my imagination roam. As such, when Talie has some downtime at the ranch she likes to sit on the porch of her ranch house and just look out at all of the crops and flowers. Sometimes she picks up a pen and paper and starts to doodle and draw some flowers. Even if she doesn’t come close to replicating the plants, she feels it helps her relax from a hard day’s work and allows her to notice all of the amazing detail in nature (that she can’t even come close to incorporating into her drawing). As such, in the video below you can see how Talie draws one of the flowers she is observing.

To create this video I used my phone to video myself (acting as my western character) drawing a flower in six seconds and I saved it to my computer and uploaded it to Flickr so I could embed it into this post. This assignment was worth two stars contributing to this week’s 16 star requirement.

CPSC106 Six Second Art




In response to the ds106 Video Assignment “Six Second Art” I created a simple little picture. Onto the blank paper and a little water, drizzle in the color of the forest. And, lo, a fox appears. Or a wolf. Or maybe a “folf” fox-wolf hybrid. Bred for its skills in magic.

Inspired by the assignment prompt of a cool piece of art unfolding in a very short time, I got the idea for this from a clip I used at about 0:11 in my video “Stop With the Hands Thing.” I love how it is not only the final picture, but the process of its creation which is artful and delightful to watch, and also how the ink itself has some freedom to shape the final product and make it its own. The live process tells a little story; gradually spreading and adding detail, some nice character development, eventually leading to the climactic epiphany of what it is all about. For this I used watercolor paper, painted the rough shape of my little animal with water, then dropped the “ink” on. Which was actually food coloring usually reserved for buttercream frosting. Once he dried off, I hung this little guy on the fridge in my kitchen.


6-Second Art

In order to share the moment of creation with you all in about six seconds, I filmed it on my tablet, then used my beloved video editing program, Vegas Pro, to speed up the playback times 3, trim the length a bit, and cut out the audio of me grumbling about how my experiment was a failure, then a nanosecond later arguing with myself and brightly chirping, “Actually, its working!”  Hope you enjoy!

Filed under: ds106 Tagged: VideoAssignments, VideoAssignments1925


Six word stories, six word quotes, and six word poetry are all the rage. So why not six second art? Using any method of video, stop motion, or other visual medium, produce a six second video of you creating art. It could be digital art, physical art, or performance art, just create a six second video of you making it happen! Vine, Youtube, Vimeo, are all great places to host, although Vine happens to a great natural place for this type of work.