This work is for “Return to the Silent Era” in the videoassignment.
I chose Jurassic Park because I used to be fascinated by old science fiction movies such as The Seventh Voyage of Sindbad.
Peers’ tutorial blogs were very helpful for me. Thanks to the weeklyupdate, I downloaded Videopad, an editing soft and thanks to cryptovalence, I used Incompetec for free music resources.
Videopad has an effect function to make a footage seem to be an old film. But the problem was Videopad worked very slowly on my computer.
So I used Moviemaker for editing and used Videopad only for the last process, which was using “old film effect” and ”noise effect.”
I found the background (?) of text from google image. Then, I put the logotype of Jurassic Park by using GIMP, a photo editing soft.
The durasion of each text is five seconds. To prevent the footage from becoming lengthy, I removed several cuts from the original footage. Brightness of video was increased to show silent film-like exposure.
I put three musics on the footage, but the musics needed to be shortend to fit the story. In order to shorten musics and to combine them with the footage, Moviemaker is fine enough.