This is my Motley Crew! These are photos of my siblings and good friends. My last name is Motley and when I tell people this they usually say something about the band, Motley Crue. My siblings and friends act silly a lot but are very hard workers. We all have a variety of talents and may seem really different at times. So, we can relate to the real Motley meaning—“varied in character and appearance”. But, we stick together and can always have a great time. I found this assignment to be rather difficult. When I first read the directions I did not think it would have been as hard as it turned out to be. First, I did not have photo/collage software or app so, that is where I started. I created this collage using photofacefun. I chose the collage style then began to upload photos to their respective slots. But, before I was able to do that I had to edit existing photos to make them into headshots of the person I wanted to place in the slot for the collage. I had not done this before on my computer but, I was able to figure it out. I think that this step will most definitely help me in achieving future assignments because it will be very useful to be able to easily crop and edit existing photos within my picture library. So, for each image/person I put into my collage, I cropped them out of an original picture and uploaded them into the slot. Then I decided to name my collage “The Motley Crew”. The typing tool unfortunately did not work, so I had to use the doodle tool and paint the letters onto the pictures I uploaded as the background. I feel I learned a lot while completing this assignment but, it seemed more tedious than I believe it should have been.