Graphic Gift

Graphic Gift

I made my own graphic gift using photoshop to edit my own vintage ad.

VisualAssignments, VisualAssignments953

Muhammad Ali G.O.A.T D-CON AD 1979

This is an old D-Con ad from the 70s where here you see Muhammad Ali in the prime of his boxing career and his youth. At this time D-Con was Ali’s biggest sponsor and his face was everywhere, and they sold a lot of products because of it.

Audi Coupe

Audi Vintage

audi 1000

5oo Pixel


audi 1000

1000 Pixel

Graphic Gift



For my graphic gift, I decided to use and old image of a Gameboy Color ad and insert an image of the Great Bill Cosby. The following are the two original images.



I basically cut out the gameboy screen portion of the ad and placed the Bill Cosby Texas Instrument CRN ad within it. I then took the Cosby layer and used the posterize option to make it look like an old gameboy color game.

Graphic Gift: Zip Zop Zoobity Bop Edition

I’ m picky about my edges but they didn’t come out too bad.








Creating a Graphic Gift

My first visual assignment was to create a Graphic Gift. I decided to use a vintage ad of beauty Marilyn Monroe, and a photo of Samuel Adams beer. I used Pixlr to create this gift and had fun manipulating the image. I changed the background from the original photo of Marilyn with a different shade of blue and cut out the shampoo bottle she was holding. The logo was deleted on the top and bottom. I then added a new layer and replaced it with a Sam Adams beer bottle and changed the text. Lastly, I added some effects to make it look even more appealing. I had some fun working on this assignment.

Here is my original vintage ad: BEFORE

Original photo of Marilyn Monroe

Graphic Gift- AFTER

Graphic Gift- Marilyn Monroe & Samuel Adams Ad.


Pick a Card, any Card.

I found this awesome Art Deco French ad and really enjoyed the fact that the icon could be used in so many different ways. Enjoy!

Woweee! Its a Graphic Gift!

Here is the vintage ad i used, looks like he’s excited he received a Schwinn Racer!

1000px ExcitedKid1


ExcitedKid1 500