Some Heroes Wear Moccasins

Everyone has someone who they admire or who inspires them. For this assignment, write about that person and why you admire them.

She takes me away to that special place.

For one of my journal prompts, I was instructed to
take a moment to watch someone I’m grateful for and focus on them for 10
minutes. Nothing else. No eating or drinking. No television on. Nothing but
that individual. If possible, I wasn’t supposed to interact with them, instead just
observe them without them noticing. I believe the point was to just be with the
person fully and fully appreciate them in that moment. For this writing
assignment, I’m supposed to write about someone I admire. I immediately
recalled the admiration I felt for that individual while I observed due to the
journal prompt.

My daughter is two years old. While I wish I could
give her my attention very moment of the day, returning to school has changed
our relationship. As a stay at home mom for the year of her life, she depended
on me for everything. Since she’s started day care I’ve noticed a growth in her
independence. Of course, this is also related to her growth development and the
experiences she’s lived. I knew she was growing, mentally and physically, but
it wasn’t until I took that break and focused on her that I realize how much
she’s changed.

I admire her courage and her persistence in trying in
new things almost every day. She is fearless in the completion of tasks that
may seem simple to an adult, but are VERY complex for her. She loves
unconditionally. Whether it be a bug she’s noticed or a dog being walked, a kid
at day care or an adult in her life. She treats everything with kindness upon
introduction to it, never making a negative judgement on something the first
time she sees it. This vulnerability and openness to experience and open her
arms to new things is so admirable and I find myself jealous of how natural it
comes to her. She has an abundance of emotions she doesn’t fully understand and
asks for help when she needs help processing them. Imagine an adult walking up
to you and saying “I feel like overwhelming anger about this and I don’t know
how to fix it or work through it.” That just doesn’t happen anymore.

I hope to nurture this self-awareness in a way it isn’t
normally done in order to keep it alive. This world needs compassion and
kindness. I also hope to continue her lessons on impermanence so she may
continue processing the emotions that come with each and every realization that
everything changes everyday.

Week 3: Assignment Bank

Who Inspires You

Someone who inspires me is Gary Vaynerchuck because he is brutally honest about how life is and how you need to be in order to make money and live the life you want. He doesn’t care about what others think of him at all and he preaches that you shouldn’t care what others think and to me that is very powerful and inspiring words. One of his quotes that is my absolute favorite is “Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, what do I want to do everyday for the rest of my life…do that.” – Gary Vaynerchuk. This is my favorite quote from Gary because it tells you to do what you want to do and do what makes you happy.

Who Inspires Me?

There are many people who inspire me, from people I know directly and people I don’t. My parents inspire me everyday. My siblings shock me everyday with how much they inspire me. My friends, which I haven’t seen in awhile, inspire me. Ruth Bader Ginsburg inspires me (she’s badass), Lizzo inspires me, Lupita Nyong’o inspires me.

Quite a few people make me want to do better and be better everyday, so I’m going to take this in a little different direction.

I inspire me. I’ve done a lot of growing over the past several years. I’ve gone through depression, done some grieving, dealt with medical complications, but I’m still here. I’ve changed for the better and I have these people to thank.

Having people who inspire you is a fantastic thing. If it’s not your friends or family, then make it someone who’s made a difference in this world. These people will help you become the person you want to be. There’s no shame in growing and inspiring yourself.

Maybe even write it out too! That’s why I’m doing this. When I have a hard day, or week, or even month, where it seems impossible to see my accomplishments and progress, I have something to look at and remind me.

As always, I will end this with a picture of my dogs. Maybe they’ll inspire you.

Mojo taking in all the love.

Steve Jobs: An Inspiration In The 80s

This writing assignment I chose is called Who Inspires You where you have to choose someone who you admire or who inspires you and write about them and why you admire them or why they inspire you. I chose to write about Steve Jobs because he is a very inspirational person to me. Also, I wanted to relate this to the 80s theme, and Steve Jobs was strong influencer on society in the 80s.

Steve Jobs, as almost everyone knows, was the chairman, CEO, and co-founder of Apple Inc., and that is one of the main reasons why he is such an inspiration to me because I am a huge fan of Apple products. He developed technology in a way to try and make the everyday person’s life simpler. I admire him for his forward looking attitude and adaptability to change. I find these two things to be very important because the world is constantly changing and growing, and we as humans should do the same as well. These have inspired me to never stop growing or learning. Steve Jobs wasn’t concerned about being rich or wealthy because what mattered to him was doing something wonderful in the world. This speaks volumes to me, and is something I will always strive for. One example of this is his notion of time, and how it is the most precious resource we have. He created the technology he did and advanced it to make people’s time more valuable, to do something wonderful in the world. His concern wasn’t himself, but the whole world. That to me is commendable and selfless, and that is why he is such a huge inspiration to me. He took his creativity, ideas, and intelligence, and geared it towards making other people’s lives better and more enjoyable. He was able to do something that he was passion about in his life and make the world a better place at the same time. This was his intention when he founded Apple Inc., and still to this day, I believe that Apple Inc. continues to carry on that motto. This is why I would love to work for Apple Inc. one day. If this isn’t inspiration, then I don’t know what is. Lastly, below is an image of a very inspirational quote from Steve Jobs.

Overall, this assignment was a great way for me to reflect on someone who is big inspiration to me, and I enjoyed it.

My Biggest Fear?

Me? What do I fear? I suppose it would have to be death; not fufilling any of my life goals, never finding love or a person who truly liked me for who I was, letting my family down, yeah. I guess that’s something reasonable. But the thing is, I used to have this dreadful fear. They say that in order to get over your fears, you must face them. So, how did I overcome mine? Well, it all just happened so fast. The therapist, my time at the hospital, my time recooping at home and finding my purpose.

Perhaps, the truth is that I wanted to live my life with a purpose instead of being fearful of disappointing anyone. And my way to that was to ask for help. Although at the time, my perferred method of treatment wasn’t to be in a place I didn’t think I belonged, but it helped immensely. I did gain the skills, knowledge and courage to admit my fears and make a plan to overcome them, to become my own person and not to be dominated by the things that scared me.

It was amazing how clear and beautiful the world could be when I wasn’t looking through dark and depressing lens. Discovering things that I enjoyed and a person who truly likes me for who I am has also been a very pleasant reward for getting over that hurdle. It’s truly amazing how much a person can hold themselves back when they don’t see any way out or a way to get around their fears. But there’s always a way. Don’t give up and keep fighting. That is the way to find happiness and success.

Who Inspires You

The one person who inspires me the most, to work hard and do my very best every single day is my girlfriend. We met a little more than a year ago and have been talking non-stop since the day we met day-by-day. She gives me courage to fight and to never give up, strength to alway get up when I’m knocked down, pacience when I’m angry or frustrated with life itself and love; always letting me know that no matter how bad things may get, that everything is going to work out all right. Everyday, it’s always incredible with her as I feel that I’m constantly learning new things about her, myself and life.

Everyday, she always amazes me. She is so passionate and genuine in every task she does or in every word she says, she always gives it her all and never let’s anyone try to stop her from reaching her goals. She is an Angel sent from above and she truly bring the best out in me. I feel that with her, I can do better than the day before and accomplish much more, day-by-day. It’s because of her, that I am the man who I am today. I know that no matter what, I can accomplish great and amazing things!

God is a Woman

There are many people that I deeply admire and who inspire me. But the woman who inspires me the most, is Emmeline Pankhurst. She was a woman’s suffrage activist who lived from 1858-1928. Her life was filled with endless acts of selflessness towards women. She founded the Women’s Franchise League which was responsible for securing married women to have to right to vote in Britain and the Married Women Property Acts.

“Trust in God – she will provide.”

One of my favorite quotes from Emmeline

I cannot imagine what it must have been like to be Emmeline. To live in a world where women were not human enough to have the right to vote, or even own property. She fought to change the status quo and it could not have been easy for her. Most of her work was done in England, but she helped start the domino effect of the fight against women’s suffrage. Emmeline did not have easy goals that she set for herself, but she worked hard to accomplish them. She is such an inspiration to me to continue to work for my goals! So many strong women have fought so extremely hard for me, I have no excuse to not to work hard as well. Maybe I am not a public figure, or run a nonprofit and maybe I am not a politician but I can still influence and make a difference wherever I am in life.

Nothing short of Amazing!

I was actually most recently inspired by the entire situation with Nike and Kapernick.  Everyone will have their own opinion, and I very much respect that.  For me personally though, this story has been truly inspiring given his journey (that I’m sure we don’t know every single detail about) and how he basically had to give up everything to follow his heart and what he truly believed in.  At the end of the tunnel, there was light – Nike, a major corporation, publicly backing him – something that most of us never expected.  For Nike, it shows their character and values and for Kapernick, even if you completely agree, you can’t help but be inspired by his drive, determination, and consistency to stand up for what he truly believed in.  I’m inspired.

Who Inspires You

My dad is my biggest inspiration. He is such a kind, giving, and intelligent man.  He has built his life around his faith and strength in his family.  He built a successful, commercial construction company from the ground up, enduring and recovering from two massive heart attacks and numerous other struggles.

He could have given in, given up and settled for the situation he was given, but he continued to give to others, love endlessly and care for those around him.  He has sacrificed so much to provide for our family and goes out of his way every day to give his company and employees. Â