Who inspires you?

There are many people I find inspiring either by what they say, what they do, or both. Let’s talk about what some have done.

George Washington and Cincinnatus- Almost two thousand years separate these two men but are united commonly by humility and by an incredible strength; the strength to voluntarily give up power.

In the Roman Republic there was a usually vacant position whose rare user was known as dictator. Dictator were appointed in times of crisis and had almost unlimited power. Everyone who was appointed to its position overstayed their welcome and abused its power to the point of Civil War, save for one. Cincinnatus was on his farm just outside of the city when his fellow senators came to him with a crisis. The consuls, the joint rulers of the Republic, were encircled and outnumbered by Rome’s enemies and the senate has offered him the role of dictator to end this crisis. In 16 days, he rallied the army, stopped the enemy, saved the consuls, resigned from the job and went right back to his farm.

Some doubt the truth of that tale, but they cannot doubt the tale of the Cincinnatus of the west: George Washington. On multiple occasions, Washington was tempted with power. During the Revolution, Congress gave him complete control of the military and he didn’t use that power to overthrow them. At wars end, he resigned that power and between that day and the Constitutional Convention he denounced several attempts to overthrow an incompetent Congress and install him as a monarch. As our first president he set many standards of humility in the office including regarding him as Mr. President and only being in office for two terms.

Guess who inspires me!

Many people inspire me. Anyone form my parents to an athlete on tv. But one person who particularly inspires me is my Grandmother. Her name is Elaine Gardner. She graduated for the UMW in the the fifties while it was an all girls school with a major in chemistry. She is the smartest person in my family  even in her elder years now. the reason she inspires me is because she has never allowed anything or anyone to hold her back from anything. If there was an obstacle she worked harder and found a way around it. It never has occurred to her that she can’t do something, but rather that she just needs an alternate route. She recently finished a book she has been working on for the last twenty years. It is the story of my family and how we came to America. I am unbelievably proud of her and honored to call her my grandmother. So yeah inspires might be an understatement.

Assignment Bank 2 (Week Three):

Who Inspires You – Batdad Edition:

*This week we were asked to connect our class theme (superheroes) to one of the writing assignments we complete. When I saw this assignment, I thought it would be the absolute best one to make that connection.

Dear Batdad,

They always say a girl’s first love is her dad and I couldn’t agree more. You’re the first one who made me laugh so hard I cried, the one who chased me around the yard until I couldn’t run anymore, the one who wiped away my tears after I fell off my bike (even though you promised you wouldn’t let go).

You made my childhood great, but you also made my adolescent years easier to get through. I remember coming home from school early one day – I was crying because some boy had broken my heart and you weren’t even mad that I had left school. You sat me down, told me that everything was going to be fine and that this was just a part of growing up – then you sent me back to school to finish my work for the day. It was in that moment when I realized how much of an inspiration you were, and continue, to be to me.

You inspire me with your positive outlook towards life. Life hasn’t always been that great to you, but you always manage to somehow find the silver lining in every situation. You inspire me with your compassion. I remember when you got into that awful car accident when I was younger and you called me from your hospital bed to make sure I was alright. You were the one in the hospital and you called me to make sure I was alright. You inspire me with your resilience. No matter how many times you get knocked down – you always pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and continue to venture on. You inspire me with your passion. You put your heart and soul into all of your endeavors in life.

Lastly, you inspire me to be the best version of myself. I look up to you. In my daily life I try to be just like you – compassionate, resilient, passionate, and optimistic. I have never been more proud to know such an amazing individual. You have taught me so many life lessons and I have so much to thank you for, but I will simply end this by thanking you for inspiring me in life. Thank you for making me want to be a better person everyday.




My Inspiration


Each and every time I am asked who I am most inspired by I always think of one person in particular, my grandma.

When my sister and I were little my grandma was always there to watch us while our parents worked full time jobs. Normally children hated to be babysat, but we always looked forward to it. She would video tape us dancing, singing, or interviewing us. We would sit at the table and drum up ideas for new products that should be invented. We weren’t allowed to play video games or watch cartoons when she was there, we were always doing something productive and something that would teach us a thing or two. Oh and did I mention we would get the best home cooked lunch each day? My grandma is the best chef. She worked for many years at a bakery where she learned all her skills. She can take any leftovers and make them into a completely different meal the next day or make the most delicious desserts. Each summer I would spend a few weeks with her at her house in the mountains. She would teach me how to cook and bake and give me all the advice anyone could ever need. When I need advice about boys or why my leg hurts or what medicine I need to take if I am not feeling well, she always has the answer. I admire her classiness. She always dresses up to go just to the store and never speaks wrong about anybody. I love her humor and her laugh that is contagious. I am so much like my grandma and I would not change I thing about it. I have her looks, personality, cooking skills, and humor. My inspiration provided me with my wonderful mother and I am forever grateful.

Last year I almost lost my grandma and it was one of the worst moments of my life. She could have been gone and I could have never seen her again and that broke my heart. She is still recovering from the incident in some ways and it is painful to see. I strive to be strong and brave like her. My life goal is to be just like her. She is my teacher, therapist, chef, doctor, and most importantly my grandma. I appreciate all she gives up for her family. I am lucky to have her in my life and glad that I am so much like her already. It will take me many many years to get even close to the amazing woman that she is.

I would say she is my superhero. Always there to help when I need her to save the day. You know, not all superheroes wear capes. 


Who Inspires you – 3 Stars

My Mother: A Constant Source of Inspiration

Hello Everyone,

the person that inspires me most is definitely my Mom, Ellen Burns. My Mom has been a constant companion of mine since the day I was born; she has taught me valuable life lessons which are unparalleled to anything else I have ever learned. Not only is she an amazing mother, she is also an incredibly talented artist who’s range of expertise is unmatched with anyone I have met. She has been there for me when no one else has and has helped me through some very difficult points in my life. My mom is my rock and I am blessed to have her in my life.

assignment: Who Inspires You?

Role Model

The person I admire and look to as a role model is Warren Buffet. He is one of the richest men in the world yet he is one of the humblest. He still drives an everyday car and has lived in the same house in Nebraska. I also admire his character traits in the aspect of business and leadership. Warren Buffet is a great leader and manager. With a company of his size you must know how to understand and manage people. Warren Buffet is a master at this and there books about how he manages people. He recommends never arguing with people or criticizing them. Instead we should suggest other options for people to consider instead of demanding them to do a task our way. Another suggestion is to admit to people when we are wrong! If you are interested in more great characteristics of Warren Buffet you should read Warren Buffett’s Management Secrets: Proven Tools for Personal and Business Success.

I Admire You


Everyone has someone they admire. I recently had to opportunity to hear Tony Nicely, the CEO of GEICO speak and he really inspired me.

“Life is too short to work in any company where you cannot be happy”-Tony Nicely

Mr. Nicely is from a small town in West Virginia and despite his struggles early in life, he considers himself “the luckiest man alive”. He was down on his luck and struggling financially when he first got the job at GEICO at the age of 18. It was only supposed to be a temporary job. After a year, he was still in debt so he took a 2nd job at Sears selling men’s furnishings. He carried 2 jobs while supporting a wife and eventually 2 children for almost 8 years. It took him 20 years of taking night classes in order to obtain his undergrad degree. In his mind, there was always something more financially important than his degree so it kept getting put off. He says this is one of his biggest mistakes in life.

Tony Nicely has been working at GEICO for 55 years. He started in the mail room (one of the lowest positions available) and worked his way up to CEO. He has been the CEO since May of 1993 and has no plans of stepping down. According to him, “they just can’t get rid of him”.

This man is a true inspiration for me. His example shows me that nothing is out of reach if I am willing to work for it and not give up. He also inspired me to really buckle down on getting my degree. I have been in school off and on for almost 8 years now with not much to show for it. Now, I hope to be able to graduate by December of 2018. His story is truly inspiring to all who hear it and he is still one of the most humble people I have ever met.

Who Inspires You

Everyone has someone who they admire or who inspires them. For this assignment, write about that person and why you admire them.