Create a book cover that captures the essence of the story through the use of minimalist design/iconography.
Inspired by the Minimalist TV/Movie Poster Assignment.
Create a book cover that captures the essence of the story through the use of minimalist design/iconography.
Inspired by the Minimalist TV/Movie Poster Assignment.
Movies are often based on books. Not this time. Design a book cover that is based on a movie. DO NOT use an image of the actor/s. Try to find or create imagery that captures the essence of the movie without using the actor’s picture.
For this design assignment, you will first need to pick one of your favorite persons from a tv show or movie–make sure it is someone with LOTS of character that displays their characteristics frequently. This is important; it should be something that defines them (i.e. Sterling Archer, from Archer). Next, create either a book cover, or a smartphone app icon, or the like. Add some text that says “How To [insert the name of the character you choose here]”. Make sure you tell who this app/book teaches the user/reader to be like. (NOTE: it doesn’t HAVE to be an app or a book. Get creative with it. What else can you come up with?)
Businesses merger together all the time (at least that’s what Mad Men has taught me). For this assignment create a logo in which you combine to famous logos. Humor is encouraged.
Using Gimp or a similar program, create a public service announcement billboard on something that really aggravates you about people, society, the world, etc. It can be serious, goofy, but not offensive. Use a 680 x 300 work space in order to mimic the space of a billboard and have fun with how your positioning, font, colors, and images can help get your message across in a small space.
Take it to the next level but superimposing it on a photo of an existing billboard!
You just came up with a million dollar idea! It’s crazy! Design a mock-up to show potential investors to entice them to join your entrepreneurial venture for a most unlikely product. You can be pitching to a pre-existing firm or founding your own company. See how well you can sell something like garlic flavored chewing gum or a talking toilet seat.
De-Motivational posters are very common on the internet these days, but people often forget about the thing they were based on–Motivational posters. Why not make one of those for a change of pace? Motivate yourself (or someone else).
Zombies are EVERYWHERE!! In celebration of Hallowe’en, 2012, designer, artist, and marketing professional Ben Fellowes “celebrated some of his favorite logos of all time by re-imagining them, post zombie outbreak.” You can enjoy his 10 Classic Logos Re-imagined for the Zombie Apocalypse (or check out his site), and then select your own favourite logo and Zombify it. Will your favourite brand be prepared??
Design a tattoo that includes good examples of at least 2 design element we learned about color, typography, metaphors/symbols, minimalism & use of space, form/function/message, balance, rhythm, proportion, dominance, unity.
Take a well-known kids book and recast it as a computer book. Look for inspiration here: