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Yam Trek! Star Yam!

(full size is one click away)

Star Yam 13: The Final Leftovers is the next series of adventures for Captain James T. Fork of the Starship Yamterprise, it’s 9 year mission, to sek out new plates and new celebrations, to boldly go where no yam has gone before!

It’s a Yam Jam Theme, starting with Lisa Lane sailing the Yam Boat, Scottlo showing the Yam Who Would Be King, and next, MBS taking my favorite starchy movie, Cool Hand Yam (goes well with eggs).

How could I resist? I’m no spud.

Now someone needs to make this assignment for ds106, as this is getting out of yam. It could put a whole now flavor on mashed-up assignments.

Ingredients for this image:

UPDATE for red shirted ensign ds106ers! This is now officially an assignment with the tag VisualAssignments311

Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Go On the Internet…

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

There are monsters out there, zombies, vampires, aliens, amrching your way, dargginth eir limbs, dribbling their gob, hoisting their sharp implements… What will you do when ds106 knocks at your door? will you just mutter “It’s only a MOOC, it’s only a MOOC…”

“You’ll wish it were only a MOOC.”

“The assignments are driving him crazy.”

“Sometimes GIF is better.”

“ds106 doesn’t take no for an answer.”

“Sooner or later they will McGuffin you.”

“If you’re going to blog the truth, make sure it stays published.”

“You’ll wish art was only make believe.”

“Your every fear — all in one deadly course.”

“…and remember, the next mashup you hear may be your own!”

“Be reflective. Be very reflective.”

Quotes lifted and recrafted from Match the Scary Movie With the Tag Line! (BuzzSugar)

What kind of ds106 horror image can you generate? Here is my extension of the Illustrate 106 assignment using this as an example.

106 Horror!
Create or modify an image of the number 106 that is in the genre of a horror movie. Make 106 seem scary and ominous.

The assignment tag for this is and the assignment link is at http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/106-horror/

ReCaptcha Illustrated

Include a screenshot of a word pair from a reCapctha (http://www.google.com/recaptcha or heck right at the bottom of this assignment submission form http://assignments.ds106.us/submit-an-assignment/) in an illustration or visual mashup that shows what the words might mean. Use your imagination to create something meaningful out of the random words.

When you write it up, provide some narrative that puts the image in context.

Picturing Prufrock

Choose an image from T.S. Eliot’s beautiful poem “The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock” and illustrate it through art, audio, video, or any other creative medium.

Paint a picture, put the words to music, make a mashup, photograph a scene, write a short story, bake a Prufrock cake… anything!

Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”
Let us go and make our visit.

Ben Harwood’s Track blazing troubadour

_cokwr: Make a movie trailer by taking a trilogy, or any series of movies (LOTR, Saw, Final Destination etc.) and combine scenes from all the trailers to make one trailer..., _cpzh4: Mashup, _chk2m: Zarar A., _ciyn3: 135, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

Remix an Album Cover

_cokwr: Find an iconic album cover and remix it to represent a something different. It can be a play on the title, the image, the aesthetic, genre, etc. See the visual example featuring Snoop Dog and Dr Dre as Chronic Youth (a play on Sonic Youth's album cover Goo). , _cpzh4: Mashup, _cre1l: http://bavatuesdays.com/files/2011/11/chronic_youth.jpg, _chk2m: Jim Groom, _ciyn3: 211, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

Music Mapped Videos

_cokwr: Pick a song that has geographic references (or heck ,make up the references), and create a Google Map that has the locations along with media for each pin in the map. Mash it up with the audio or video of the song into a new video- making it a music mapped video!, _cpzh4: Mashup, _cre1l: http://cogdogblog.com/2011/10/28/music-mapped-video-new-ds106-assignment/, _chk2m: CogDog, _ciyn3: 208, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

Deliverance Minimalist Movie Poster

Seeing Jim Groom’s minimalist movie poster for the The Thing finally get some love from Web Urbanist inspired me to finally take a stab at this assignment. I actually don’t need a lot of prodding to make a piece of design (especially for ds106).

Deliverance Minimalist Movie Poster

My poster is for the John Boorman classic “Deliverance” starring Jon Voight. The song Dueling Banjos was made famous by the film, though apparently the original composer went uncredited (didn’t know that until now). The scene in which Drew plays the guitar and a boy plays the banjo is probably one of the most memorable scenes, and sets the tension in the film between the “city boys” and the “locals.”

I made the poster mashing a couple of previous ds106 assignments actually. I’d done a four icon challenge of Deliverance from which I reused the arrow, banjo, and title. And the background was reused from the “averaging flickr assignment.”

A little extra work was done to create the hole in the banjo from the arrow using the vector tool in Illustrator. And I did some hue/saturation work on the background in Photoshop to rework the yellow averaging flicker image into a muted green.


My original interest was in taking several songs mashing them together and creating a strange tone, i ended up liking it in a way that i didn’t think i would and now use it as my ringtone. i took 4 songs used about 15 different types of effects on them each tried to have them not match at all and put them together. see if you can spot the changes in the songs, or the added parts enjoy.


For my first assignment I choose to do one from the mashup group . The assignment I choose was the Remix an Album Cover. For this assingment i choose to use a kanye west alum cover because he is my favorite artist . I used his 808 & Heartbreak cover , in this album there is a song called heartless and on the cover there is a picture of a broken heart white gloves pretty much tearing it apart . I choose a sentence from the song heartless , “how could you be so heartless”, and wrote a somewhat funny answer. I changed the color of the text to go with the one that was already on there and i paint brushed the  808 & Heartbreak because i felt it didnt go with what i wrote . so here is the cover …