Spooky sounds Part Two

So I decided to make my final project creepy so I did Spooky Sounds which is similar to the Sound Effects Story I did before, but this one is specifically spooky! Only thing I really did differently this time was I remembered how to actually do this assignment, I made it over a minute long, and I made this one go with the story: the sounds match the story itself instead of just random creepy noises.

So first I went to Freesound


Then I opened up Audacity


Next I looked up all the spooky noises I wanted for my audio and downloaded them


Lastly I copy and paste all of the sounds into one track and save it


All together, I got this for my final project (creaking, stomping, and a rocking chair).


Audio Assignment – Spooky Sounds

You’re tired and you see a house ahead. You don’t think it’s following you anymore. Until you hear it. The unsettling sounds that it never left. You quickly get inside the house and find somewhere to hide. But you still hear it. It seems to be going from room to room. What is that noise that is scraping against the ground? What does it have? It’s getting closer…

I really like the audio assignments that require me to build a story with sound. I love working with sound effects and attempting to make them blend together. For this assignment I used over 12 sound clips I downloaded from freesound.org.


It was a bit harder than the last story assignment, only because this one had a minimum length of 1 min. I didn’t really plan out what I wanted, but instead I just began by searching on the freesound website sounds that I felt would be creepy/odd but still work together. I utilized the fade in effect quite a bit to blend the sounds together. All in all the total project took about an hour to complete. I’m really happy with the final project.

I hope it gives you guys goosebumps! If it doesn’t, what do you think would be something I could improve on it? Let me know!


Spooky Sounds

*This assignment bank was created as if someone was walking through a graveyard. Here are the sounds I chose to make it sound super spooky! Enjoy!


Assignment #1

The first assignment I did was called Spooky Sounds worth 4 and a half stars. For this assignment I had make a track using spooky sounds , to try and evoke a sense of fear in the listener.



  1. I went to the ds106 page and clicked on the tab components.
  2. Under the components tab I clicked on the tab assignment bank.
  3. Under assignment bank I clicked on audio assignments.
  4. Under audio assignments, on page three is the assignment spooky sounds.
  5. I then went to the website pdsounds, and picked the sounds I wanted.
  6. I downloaded the sounds and imported them onto audacity.
  7. I then went to sound cloud.
  8. I clicked the button upload and then hit the record  button to record my sounds.

This assignment was kind of fun but it was also difficult. I had fun looking through pdsounds to find the right sound clips I wanted to put together. It was hard finding certain sounds though because certain sounds were put in the wrong files. Once I found my sounds putting them together on audacity was easy. After I saved my recording I tried to upload it onto s sound cloud. Sound cloud kept saying that the sound mix was a copy of the original sound  which confused me because I know other people who have used pdsound and were able to put it on sound cloud so I had to take another root to put my clip on sound cloud. I used the record button on sound cloud , played my clip, and was able to record it. After I recorded it I then was able to put it on sound cloud. I suggest anyone else who does this assignment to make sure sound cloud accepts the sound they mix.

Spooky Sounds


For this assignment, we had to find different sound effects and combine them together to make something spooky, and have it last for at least one minute.

To do this, I first found four different sound effects on freesounds.org and added them all into audacity. I then edited them to have them fit into a one minute window, and spaced them out accordingly. I then exported the file to an MP3 format, and uploaded it to SoundCloud.

Spooky Sound

During this assignment I had to come up with a spooky soundtrack. So what I did for this assignment is to get the sound that I think are present in almost every scary story or what I think it is scary. For this track I used chain sound, typical scary environment sound, violin sound, and bats sound.


This assignment is worth 4 stars.

Spooky Sound

For this audio assignment I had to make an audio track that was Halloween themed or scared the listener. It also had to be a minute or longer in order to give the listener enough time to be scared. Before I give anything away, here is my spooky sound:

I found the main song on SoundCloud, downloaded it to my computer, and imported it into Audacity. The song was originally 5 minutes long but I only liked the first 40ish seconds of it, so I deleted the rest of the song and added in the really quiet talking before it got quieter and added the white noise at the end because it scared my roommate so I figured it worked well together. I liked this assignment because I got to scare my roommate and get away with it by saying that it was for an assignment. In actuality I liked this assignment because it was my first time really using Audacity and it was a challenge while also being fun and new.

Spookys’s Haunted Mansion (AudioAssignments1418 4 Stars)

This combines a lot of things that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE! I’m a huge fan of Audio and horror, so I’m going big this week with the 4 star assignment.  I want to use this track for my character Spooksy that I made as my host.  Going in, I wanted an ambient track of the sounds of his haunted mansion.  It was important to me that it be authentic, and not cheesy.  Everything you hear is not meant to be used for horror, and is ambient sound produced by real people/nature.  That being said, I did still want it to feel like old school horror.  It’s a dark stormy night in an old creaky house, with the bellows of ghostly children, and voices and spirits speaking and roaming freely through the halls.  The first thing I wanted was echoey halls, so I used a track from a fairy in Maine that was just a few minutes of hallway noise.  I added a creaky tree house that was being blown about under heavy winds, then I recorded it over itself to produce a light natural reverb type effect.  I found some children laughing, and muted them down a bit to sound far off and ghostly.  Finally, we needed the storm.  A REAL storm, very intense, and recorded outside.  This to me is the main track, so it’s the loudest.  Did you hear the monster growling in the background?  You weren’t supposed to, you hopefully felt it though.  I laid it very lightly over the other tracks starting around the 30 second mark, hopefully to trigger your subconscious fear.  In reality, it’s just me using vocal fry to growl my vowels, listen to it again “A, E, I, O, U.”

Was It All a Dream?

Butler: Yes, I was the one who did it. Everyone just look past me. No one ever cares. The Lawyer would just pass me by. He never cared. He only wanted my services and nothing more. So, yeah I killed your dear friends. And I don’t feel any remorse at all. They all deserved it.

Lukas shot out of his bed, covered in sweat. Why was he so angry? And why was he killing people he knew? He remembered the past couple weeks with him casing Mack but why did Mack appear in his dream? He saw Rex too. He remembered jailing Rex for murder a month ago. It seemed that every guest in his dream was someone he had met. Nicolette, he hadn’t seem her in a while. She must be angry he hadn’t paid her before he left 2015. Maybe the dream came from the book he had picked up that afternoon. It wouldn’t have caused that dream right? If anything it was an interesting dream. It might be because he’s been so bored for the past couple days. He really needed to find something to do.

I created this as a way to tie in the butler side of Lukas from my radio show with the future detective Lukas. I used a lot of sounds from freesound.org that I had already used in previous assignments. The assignment was called Spooky Sounds and is 4 points. The first part is Lukas reading a book that entices his dream that can be found here.