They Brainwashed Her

For this assignment (worth 4 stars), I had to make some spooky sounds using my own recordings and editing.

To create this, I used Garageband to edit a clip that I had been saving of an ominous voicemail that my grandmother left on our house phone. The song is similar to my “Hello David, This Is Mary”:

I like to take things that at first glance seem maybe slightly humorous or unimportant and make them more scary/funny. That’s what I was trying to do with the voicemail from my grandma. I used vocal editing to highlight her paranoid attitude towards a nurse that had been working at her nursing home. Then, I added a beat and music using a MIDI keyboard. The megaphone voice effect plus the minor chord progression qualifies the song as “spooky.” I ended with bird noises to keep things light and comical.

Spoookyyyy sounds

For my last couple of stars I decided to do the spooky sounds assignment. For this assignment I used a collection of samples I had to create a scene where my character Jack was waiting in the rain, outside a small town for a client of his

scary sounds and a haunted mansion!

So a while back I found a recording of outtakes from the haunted mansion narration from disneyland, and I jumped at the gun to use it for this assignment.

I over-downloaded and ended up with a bunch of effects I didn’t use, but I think I like having it as a simple recording rather than way too many things crammed in together. Here’s my end result of scary sounds!

I have a creepy organ playing all the way through. I varied the volume of it at times,depending on what I thought needed to be heard more. Then I threw in a creaking door, as if to welcome you into the haunted mansion. Next I have the dark welcome in, with talk of ghosts! Then there’s a faint whisper coming from somewhere in the house. And then it’s just the terrifying laughter.

Here’s a screenshot of what audacity looked like when I finished. You can probably tell I use the envelope tool a lot.

scary sounds screenshot

What Was That?

Spooky Sounds (4pts):

Using Audacity, and sounds I already had, I created this audio of sound inspired by things that creep me out. It has a mix of a human scream with a cat yell, a cat hiss, an evil laugh, and floor creaking all in one to create a track of spooky sounds.


The first assignment that I completed was to make a creepy song. This was a really fun assignment to complete actually.  It is called Spooky Sounds and is worth 4 stars.  All I used to create this assignment was music and sounds that I found in mixcraft. I hope y’all like it and find it as interesting as I do.

Spooky Sound: An Incident Prevented By Black

Spooky Sounds: 4 Stars

The last assignment that I  performed to reach 10 stars was that of Spooky Sounds. I decided to dedicate this one to my character Black. The background of this sound clip is a person is driving and suddenly gets hit by another person on purpose. The person who got hit is now laying on the pavement breathing heavy while the person who hit him is walking up to him. All a sudden they person walking drops on the ground and the listener is left wondering what happened.



Spooky—-Possible Radio Show Material?

As I’m searching to complete my AudioAssignments for this week, I found this guy:

Link to Audio Assignment (4 Stars). You might just hear this as apart of our Radio Show next week. Tune into “Get a Clue.” Can’t say too much because I don’t want to give it away, but somebody brought more than pie to this dinner party.




And after 7598525935 tries, finally it lives:


Spooky Ambience

This is for the Spooky Sounds audio assignment.  I wanted to make the sounds for my track be more generally unsettling and creepy than outright scary.  So I avoided any singular loud sounds that would lend themselves to jump scares and kept it a bit more constant.  The variations in between would help to keep the track from getting static but I made sure to keep the sounds and volume level constant enough to maintain an ambient feel.  I felt this track would be good for a situation my noir character, Jim Sardic, might find himself in.  In his line of work, he often has to journey into the unknown, whether he is in an outsider’s den, or traversing worlds beyond the Puncture.  In times like those, the noir begins to blend with horror, and I wanted the sounds to reflect that atmosphere.

Spooky Sounds- 4 stars

This audio assignment was to us sound effects to tell a spooky story that is about a minute long.
I chose to use the sound of a thunder storm, a ghost whispering, a lady screaming, glass breaking, running on carpet, door shutting, and running with keys outside.
I think it tells a quick story of someone scared.

I had fun with this one. There were so many sound effects to choose from

Your Theme Song

I related this assignment to my noir character, John Brown. This was worth 4 points, so it was kind of difficult to complete it.

I done this assignment with Logic Pro X, and tried to show his loneliness.

Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 12.10.13 PM

I put rain sound so it can give sadness and loneliness and closing door sound so he is coming back from his work. And then, I put clock sound so it shows that the house is really quit and no one is around.

John Brown does not hang out with people, so he comes home right after his works are done. He thought he is okay without any friends and family, but deep inside his mind, he is missing people and feel lonely when he is alone in his house. Loneliness is placed in his mind for long time, he cannot feel it or recognize it.