What’s in my bag?

  1. Paper handkerchiefs.
  2. Wallet.
  3. Keys.
  4. Aspirin.
  5. Pen.
  6. Nasal Spray.
  7. Ear plugs.
  8. Lighter.
  9. Pepto.
  10. Water.
  11. Cigarettes.

Here’s what I keep in my purse at all time. Exciting stuff.

What’s In Your Bag?

This assignment is exactly as the title sounds: what items do you keep in your bag? After gathering up all of the stuff that I usually carry with me, this is the photo I got:


Starting from the top, you can see the drawstring UMW bag I usually carry. To the left of that is my planner and a pen, which I use to keep track of what I need to do for classes and work and make sure that I’m pacing myself well. Next to my planner is a pack of tissues, just in case I ever need any, some band-aids for emergencies, and some Ibuprofen also for emergencies. My key-ring is also in that same area; when the fall semester starts it’ll get more crowded with my room and staff office keys, but for now it just has my house key and two keychains. At the far right of the picture is my wallet. I feel that that one’s pretty self-explanatory. Finally, at the bottom of the picture are my headphones, which I bring everywhere and use constantly.

And that’s what’s usually in my bag! ?

Guidelines for this assignment can be found here.

What’s in the bag?!?

A view into my teacher bag. Visual Assignment 1556 required I take a picture of the essentials in my bag. Luckily my school bag was sitting right next to me filled with papers begging to be graded.

I connected to this visual assignment because what I’m carrying around in my bag on any given day really tells a story about my life at that specific time. For example, a few weeks ago my bag was stuffed with MLS listings, as we were house hunting. Now it is filled with the following:


  1. Sunglasses-I don’t go anywhere without them-my fair eyes can’t take the sun.
  2. A folder from the elementary school I’m teaching at filled with persuasive essays, and EOY math assessments that need to be graded.
  3. TWO planners-one school, one life-with my new grad class and the last few weeks of teaching for the year, on top of personal life, things are busy!
  4. Pretty pens and pencils-essential for all teachers.
  5. My wallet, still filled with Euros from a recent trip.

Funny to think that in just two weeks the contents of my bag will change dramatically, once again telling a the story of my life.

As for the process I didn’t get too technical. I’m still getting use to all the new tech platforms for our course. Therefore, I dumped the contents, took a pic with my iPhone, emailed the pic to my gmail, and uploaded the pic on my desktop. Once I understand the flow of the course more I intend to increase the challenge. Tweeting, blogging, DS106, feedly, and TweetDeck, are giving me enough of a challenge for now.

“Do Ya Feel Lucky?… Well Do Ya?”

As I’ve made it clear in the past I am an avid fan of science fiction so being that I created a character that was totally science fiction and mysterious and could possibly be I decided to place him in a universe that had these weapons in them. These weapons go along with with one of my original posts called “Hunters: The Space Cowboys of Destiny”.

These beautiful and powerful weapons are my fictional characters arsenal. I did the research and placed the proper information on them that in some cases lead to their own little bit of story. I imagine that my character, Donnie Rejj, to dual wield these awesome Hand Cannons and strapped to his back in the legendary shotgun, The 4th Horseman. and to boot, when Rejj is in need of some serious fire power there is none more powerful and iconic that the Gjallarhorn Rocket System.

Though this might have taken a while to put together it was well worth it and fun to merge my own creation with something that I enjoy and appreciate the art behind the scenes. I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed making them.

Last Word Ace of Spades

The 4th Horsman Gjallarhorn

I hope you liked these. If you’re a Destiny fan you know there’s so much more behind these but for this taking my character and arming him with these awesome and beautiful weapons is fun and changes my perspective on his ability to not only be a stealthy rogue but a heavy hitting juggernaut.

Tools of the Gambler Trade

Merrell, the savvy gambler that he is, has a few necessities that he carries with him on the trail. For this assignment, I created an image of the overturned contents of Merrell’s saddle bag.

The first step was, obviously, to give some thought to the sort of items he might carry, starting with a the saddle and bags that overturned in the first place. Obviously a gambler would carry around a deck of cards and a pair of dice, so those there easy. The next item I chose was an old western style pistol, being in the west without one is a dangerous prospect for any man, but especially so for one who makes his living by winning bets against other men. Everyone in a while a cheat, a sore loser, or a plain ol mangy varmint might want to test their mettle to get back what they lost or to take what they never had. A traveling man that he is, Merrell gets quite a bit of use out of his old compass and map as well, looking for new spots to travel and make his way. Obviously all the swanky saloons are marked, and there is a coded addition to help him locate his buried loot. Banks are none too useful out on the frontier. Last, but certainly not least, is his luck rabbits foot given to him by his father when he set out on the road. It is both a token of the hard work and sacrifice that his father underwent to raise him proper, and a trinket to bring him good luck when his outstanding wits and skills aren’t quite enough.
Afterward, I had to find images in the commons that I was allowed to manipulate to create the image. The challenge here was finding places to search images and using search terms that would lead me to the things I want.
Finally, I compiled it all into the image seen below. Each of the items was put on their own layer with an old wood grain table as the background image. Not that it looks entirely realistic, but putting the pieces together requires some rearranging and consideration to make it look like a coherent image rather than a bunch of scattered items posted on a background. I did not go so far as to add the shadows to make the image look more realistic, but looking at it now I wish I had. Maybe I will update it if there is some time.

Merrell’s Gear

Whats in your (Saddle)Bag?


For my Indian Maiden character, Jacali, this is what’s in her woven basket! Some reeds she shucked to create more baskets, some wild berries she picked in the forest, some bird feathers she collected to add to a headdress she’s making, and a small handmade weapon to protect herself.

For this assignment, I researched Western Apache women and what they do daily in their tribal life. The woman, such as Jacali, weaves baskets, cooks food, makes clothing and accessories such as headdresses, and sometimes will even fight in battle along with the men! She carries around the handmade knife with her always as an essential so she can protect herself.

Visual Assignment – What’s in Your [saddle]bag?


What does Rose Oakley carry around in her saddle bag? Just the essentials. Water, a lantern, and her trusty utility knife. Traveling light is the best thing for an outlaw.

Saddle Bags


This assignment asked us to show what’s in our character’s bag. My character, Danny Keys, has an interesting assortment of items. He keeps a messenger bag on him at all times, just in case he needs anything out of it. In this old thing typically lies a little notebook and pen, for any notes or sketches or what-have-you that you need some paper for. Next, he has a comb – for grooming purposes, of course. Just in case. He’s got keys for his home, money for when he’s out, and sunflower seeds to snack on when he’s hungry.

He also keeps a couple sheets of blank sheet music on him, in the event that he runs into a tune he doesn’t quite know yet. He makes lead sheets for himself when there’s something new to play.

I had to run around and find a lot of different props for this prompt. I don’t keep blank sheet music of my own, but luckily I knew a friend who had some. The rest of the belongings were my own, knowing that Danny would need them for himself. It’s like packing a bag for your kid before they go out.

Marlene’s Prepared for Anything

So in Marlene’s bag are quite a few interesting items…

  • scissors – because you never know when you’ll need a pair of these
  • shot glass – bartenders must always be prepared, even when they aren’t on the job
  • keys – to the saloon of course!
  • pistol – in case someone gets too rowdy at the saloon
  • money – because who doesn’t need money?
  • comb/brush – gotta make sure she looks good!
  • ds106mmmSo for this assignment I chose a purse that I thought looked kinda Western like and used that for Marlene’s bag. I photoshopped the scissors in which took me forever and here it is!

What’s In My Saddle Bag?

What’s in my Saddle Bag for surviving in West as the Sheriff’s son? Here’s a list of things in my bag.

The first thing I need in my saddle bag is my Water Canteen that has an image of a pistol on it. Water is important for staying hydrated and healthy.

Water Canteen

The second important thing I’ll need to survive, is a Western Saddle Blanket that can be used when I need to rest or to cover me from the rain.  


Then I have an extra Western Revolver and bullets to go up against all the dangers of the west. 


I have food for me and my horse of some ranch style beans cans that I can put in a pot that I have if I want to.

Cowboy Beans

And the last thing I have in my bag is a Jack Daniels lighter to create a fire to cook the food.
