Up close and personal

Can you guess what it is??

That was not expected

Here is a picture of something that is easily known, unless it is a closeup picture.

Up close and personal

This one is kinda tricky. I wanted to find something challenging but also an object that had significance to me. I was sitting at my desk in my apartment and noticed something had fallen behind so I reached down and pulled out this flower! It had been made of palm leaves twisted into it’s floral-like shape and secured with a rubber band. Honestly I don’t remember how long ago this came into my possession but it had to be at least 10 to 12 years ago. My family and I were staying in Charleston, South Carolina. Near the waterfront there was an outdoor market where people were selling various homemade goods. Although the hot item being sold were hand-woven baskets! Women lined the streets waiting patiently for someone to approach their table all the while weaving their incredibly intricate baskets. I wanted one so badly! So my parents let me approach one lady to ask how much a basket would cost. I pointed out the smallest basket I saw near her feet, no bigger than my head. “$400”. Quickly I ran back to my parents. No baskets for us today. We continued to walk along the waterfront and back up into the city streets. Just as we were nearing our hotel, I saw a little boy out of the corner of my eye. He sat under an awning in front of some local shop with a basket of palm leave flowers next to him! I was so excited I ran up and asked how much, hoping they would be significantly less than the baskets. He stuck out his hand, placed the flower in my palm and shook his head. I felt bad that he wouldn’t accept any money but was way too excited about my new flower. It must of had an impact on me because all these years later I’ve still held onto it.

Visual Perspective & Close Up Images


For another assignment I chose to go with Visual Assignment 1882. For this assignment, we are supposed to take a close up picture of something and have people guess what it is. When I saw this I was reminded of a scene from the movie Soul Surfer where they were talking about perspective and it can be difficult to truly see or understand something when you are looking at it so close. While in the movie it had a deeper philosophical meaning, here it is more of a visual puzzle. I enjoy puzzles myself so I was very interested in this assignment once I read about it.

While looking around my apartment I saw a lot of things I could take a picture of, I was worried that they would all be too easy: a leaf on an aloe vera plant, a close up of string lights. However, I may have went too far in the opposite direction in order to make it a challenge. The object I chose was a copper tray (coffee) table that belongs to my roommate. It is very unique no only because it is copper, but also because it is from Saudi Arabia. It has images as well as Arabic incorporated into its design (however you cannot see them in this picture). It was something that her grandmother brought back to the US with her when she moved back here and it has a long history with her family. I had some trouble deciding which part to take a picture of. I thought the legs would be a better hint of the actual object, but the legs are wood instead of copper, so you would lose a majority of what the object actually is. And then a majority of the top looks more like an art piece than an actual coffee table so I was worried that would confuse people as well. I ended taking a picture of the edge which showed the lifted lip (reason it is technically a tray table), the material, and some of the design. While I don’t necessarily expect most people, or anyone possibly, to guess it, I am interested to see what people come up with as a guess.

I decided to post it on twitter instead of Flickr because I thought it would get more views on Twitter. I am hoping to have at least a couple guesses before I post my week two summary.

Can You guess what this is?


I took this picture in my home using an IPhone 6. Good luck guessing what it is!

That’s Not What I Expected

This post is designed to be a close up picture of something and you have to guess what it is! Let me know down below what your guess is.

That’s Not What I Expected

In this assignment, we were supposed to take a picture of something up close and see if people could guess what it was. It was fun looking around my apartment for a photo to take for this! This one might be a little easy to guess, but it was more important to me to take an interesting picture to look at rather than try and make some impossible puzzle. Here’s what I found:

Guidelines for this assignment can be found here.

Too Close For Comfort

Take a close up picture of something as see if people can guess what it is. Try doing the skin or outside of something that would make it hard for someone to guess!

The That’s Not What I Expected visual assignment (3 stars) grabbed my attention because of the cover photo it used in the description. I love photos where an ordinary object looks completely different because of an angle or how close or far away it is.



Although my photo isn’t the best quality (my iPhone can only do so much) I have never looked that closely at *SPOILERS AHEAD* whole black pepper kernels. I thought that even though it’s rather obvious what the picture is, it is still a new perspective so I stuck with this. Another part of this assignment is to have classmates guess what the photo is. I decided to post on my twitter asking people to respond, and I included the assignment tag and ds106. When people have responded to my tweet I will update this post linking to responses.


While there aren’t really any difficult instructions here is what I did:

  1. Look around to find something interesting to photograph
  2. Get as close as you can to said something interesting and take a picture of it. I actually ended up cropping my picture to make it appear closer because my phone couldn’t focus up close. Cameras shouldn’t have this problem.
  3. Upload the photo to Twitter and ask the twitterverse to let you know what it thinks!


While taking this picture I was searching my kitchen high and low for something unique that I could also get close to with my phone and have it still be in focus. All the while, my mom is taking a nap in the next room, so I had to be very quiet. I cannot say how many fruits, vegetables, and herbs I picked up and brought close to my lens testing to see if they would focus. None of them focused. I then tried to take an up close picture of a lit candle. Alas, I couldn’t get close enough to the flame for it to be a mystery without burning myself or my phone.

I was about to settle for an onion, when my eyes happened upon the pepper grinder. I thought “perfect!” and proceeded to to empty the whole kernels onto a paper towel. Mind you, my mom is still sleeping (she works very hard and deserves a nap every once in a while so I am trying to be quiet). After taking the picture I then had to return the pepper to its place. This was the hardest part of this assignment.

I am a very clumsy girl. Very. As I was shaping the paper towel into a funnel to expertly guide the pepper back into the grinder, I dropped them. Every last kernel scattered across the counter. I gasped. MOM! Don’t wake up! (Of course she didn’t wake up it was just a few pepper kernels) but to me, in our silent house, it sounded like several bombs had just gone off.




This mission was assigned to me by the FBI. They want me to analyze what this picture is to help them solve an even bigger puzzle!! Leave your guesses below so I can inform headquarters as soon as possible. Please, help me crack this code.