I chose to use my immediate family in my collage mimicking the Brady Bunch. I felt like it would be perfect because everyone pictured, means the world to me! On the top row (left-right), my sister, dad, my parent’s dog, my niece and my dog. On the bottom row, my sister’s dog, my brother, mom, other brother and me!
These are my amazing roommates! We have only all lived together since this past June but we all love going on adventures together and just having a blast. For this assignment I actually used Powerpoint as my “editor of choice” because I already had the photos stored in it.
This has to be my favorite assignment I created this week. I used the Photo Image Editor PixelStyle App on my Mac to create this. The assignment is to create a real life version of the Brady Bunch with close friends or family. So I went around my apartment to all of my friends’ rooms and got their pictures. They were not the easiest to work with but, by the end of it we even got our friend’s puppy in the picture. I hope everybody enjoys my picture with my beautiful friends!
I made a collage with many faces of myself and my roommate for this Brady Bunch Assignment. I had a lot of fun doing it because we used some pretty funny pictures. In some of the pictures our faced are contorted by a Snapchat filter which just adds to the silliness.
I named us the 154 Bunch because it’s a plan on the fact they we are not a “bunch,” my roommate and I are the only ones in the apartment. It’s also a play on our room number.
I also chose to add multiple different pictures of us instead of just the same cropped picture of our faces for each square. This was to add variety. I used a photo editing software called Pic Collage.
For this assignment the tools I needed included the photo editing software, the pictures of my roommate and I, and her permission.
This visual assignment was a ton of fun! I grew up watching the Brady Bunch and when I saw this as an option, I just could not pass it up! This is not even my entire family! Not all of my siblings wanted to be apart.. so silly! And if you add in my missing siblings and spouses we total thirteen. Plus the dogs make it a total of sixteen! I used befunky again to create this collage. It is quite a useful site! Some of these pictures are ones I have taken in the past, and some are ones I took this week.
The Holnick House is a rip off of the Brady Bunch!
This is my family. There’s my mom, Cathy. I asked her for a photo and she took a selfie in the mirror-how silly! My father Steve, featured in one of his favorite shirts. My cat Mia, laying down as always. My brother Alex. He’s two years older than me. And then there’s me, Richelle! I do not think we are very much like the Brady Bunch at all, but I do remember watching it in hotels while eating krimpets (a very delicious TastyKake if you have never heard of them!) when I was young.
This was a visual assignment worth 4 stars.
I have a very unique family. They’re so much fun to be around! Finding pictures that I felt like showed their personality was a super exciting challenge.
I couldn’t decide between the Tanner Tribe and the Tanner Clan so I decided to make one the name of the blog post and the other one I actually put on the collage.
So on the top row starting on the left we have Anna Elizabeth Silverthorne Tanner. I decided to use the picture of me on a slide. I am the youngest and I do act it. I have never left the preschool phase of life. I am constantly doing childish things, like playing on play grounds, coloring in my coloring books, and taking tons of naps.
Then next to me we have Connie Silverthorne Tanner. My mom is such a remarkable woman. She’s from the south so she has a sweet southern twang. She is very nurturing and caring. So I added a picture of her sweet comforting smile.
Next to my mom is my oldest sibling Erin Rowene Tanner. Erin is hilarious. While talking to her she is likely to kick or slap a phone or paper out of your hand. She is an art teacher and is super gorgeous.
The middle row includes Cali’s two moods. She is either running around, getting close to you, and cuddling, or she is fast asleep in a chair, her mini sofa, or her bed.
The bottom row has the sibling who is closest in age to me, Ray Celeste Silverthorne Tanner. Ray is also a fun person to be around. She uses sarcasm pretty much 24/7. In this picture she is wearing one of her many Golden Girl shirts. She has may your “Christmas’s Bea White”, another that says “Stay Golden”, and everyone’s favorite, “Dorthy on the Streets, Blanch in the Sheets.” She knows who she is and we have a lot of fun together.
Then I have my dad, Thomas Loren Tanner. My dad was an incredible person and father. I love this picture of him in one of his favorite chemo hats. He was a scientist, like I’m studying to be, so when he started loosing his hair to the cancer treatments one of our friends crocheted him an amazing Albert Einstein hat. My dad loved bow ties and was always cracking jokes. He was very warm hearted and would do anything for anyone he felt was good hearted. Unfortunately he passed away after a three and a half year long battle with pancreatic cancer, but he is forever a member of the Tanner Tribe.
Then the last family member in the Tanner Tribe is my brother Gilbert Thomas Silverthorne Tanner. I love this picture of him in all his snow gear. Gil lives in Chicago. It’s so cold there! I went to visit him in the winter and it was negative eighteen degrees Fahrenheit. He loves the cold though. He is also a playwright. So I added a picture of him in his favorite hat in an old theatre in Chicago.
I chose the assignment “We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch” and gave it an apocalyptic/supernatural twist.
The family here is everyone but me who lives in our suite (rooms 210 and 212). BUT, something strange has happened: there are doppelgängers of ourselves coming after us! Not only that, but they’re undead too!
I made this while watching the opening ceremonies of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics (which were GORGEOUS and AMAZING), and it was so much fun! Getting my suite together to take these photos also made for a hilarious Friday-night event. And I HAD to replace myself with my best friend, Ron Swonsowl (who, as you may or may not know, can open portals to mirror dimensions) because he just BEGGED me to be included.
I knew I wanted to put in a fourth-wall-breaking element and have the people (and owl) in the panels interact, and with that I attempted to make a 3-D effect by having the doppelgängers crossing into the gutters (spaces between the pictures). The overall editing process took a while, using a whole hod-podge of layers and color modifiers and drawing tools, but I am very proud of the end result!