Design Assignments

The Color of Words

Explore how the PhotoChrome site generates a color palette based on images from a word search in Unsplash. Pick a word that you think might generate interesting colors, and see what colors ir produces. Download the image generated and incorporate on of the reported images into it, maybe with a lot of opacity. See if people can guess the keyword when you tweet or blog your image.

Back to Basics!

Design doesn’t NEED to get difficult or require brain power! Have fun with it and be creative! Maybe use a couple design principles if you’d like but for this assignment I want you to time travel back to your childhood OR maybe even the now if you still play! Hop on a game like Mincrecraft or other free world games that allow building and design your very own Cottage, Tiny House, or even a mansion if you want to go all out! This should be fun and relaxing but still put some effort in! Enjoy! 

(try building in full survival if you have the time and want the challenge) 

The “Vogue Challenge”

For this assignment, I was inpired by Carson Berrier’s “Creat A Magazine Cover” assignment. It reminded me of the time I did the “Vogue Challenge” on Instagram a couple of months ago. The steps for this process are easy, first make sure you have and Instagram account, then proceed to take some really cool pictures, either with your phone or a camera. Then email the photo to yourself, download it and head of to Instagram. Make sure the photo has good lighting and your image is clear. Go to story section of instagram and edit your photos from your gallery. Make sure you put “Vogue” at the top in the “Times New Roman” font, add a caption or headline, and you’re ready to go!

Sports Poster

Create a poster promoting your favorite sports team! Use any editing software of your choosing. Incorporate text, images, and other visual elements to create a cohesive design

Create a Magazine Cover

Have you ever been drawn towards the magazine section because of the beautiful layouts of the covers? Well, here’s your chance to create an eye-pleasing magazine cover about a subject that interests you! Create a magazine cover about fashion, cars, photography, cooking, etc. Create your main issue article as well as one or two other smaller articles relating to your magazine. Use programs like Canva, PhotoShop, or InDesign to create your cover. Happy designing!

VHS #4life

Create a VHS tape for a film that was released after 2005. Try and make it look like an 80s era tape like the example provided. Good luck, and may the 80s be with you always!

Create Rad Album Art from Photos

First, take some photos of friends, family, yourself, your dog, or anyone that strikes your fancy! Then, make a collage out of your pictures in the software of your choice and turn it into some rad Album art! Experiment with filters, add shapes and colors, and think about how you can create a design out of your photos. Maybe you could bring in a found image or pattern into your work, or maybe you could cut up your photos to create unique shapes- the possibilties are endless!
Finally, come up with a band name and album title to add to your design piece. Think about your music genre and what decade it would be released in. And most importantly, be creative, and have fun!

(This task combines the Visual Assignment, ‘Unsuspecting Friends’ and the Design assignment, ‘Your Big Break.’ But your friends don’t have to be unsuspecting here. By all means, get permission to photograph your friends)!

Event Poster

Design a poster for an upcoming event, it could be a concert, a car show, really anything you want, the event can even be made up. Be creative and have fun with it. When you finish your poster, advertise it on your social media accounts so people will know about the event. 

Body Image Book Cover Design

This is a cover for a book that I made which talks about Body Image and how it effects us physically and psychologically.

Charity Ad

Create an ad to inform people about a charity and encourage them to donate. It can be a real charity or you can make one up!