Taken from the Make Your Own Radio Commercial! assignment, I have created a commercial for my group’s radio show. Since it was going to be about college advice one thing I would advise an incoming student to do is join the fencing club because fencing is a lot of fun!
I recorded myself and put the sounds together on SoundTrap. The music came from pixabay. Once more, courtesy of the noisy air conditioner in my room, we have static to make it sound more like a real radio ad, much like the ad in my post Blast from the Past.
I decided to make a commercial for our on campus Katora. I know a bunch of students have all kinds of thoughts about how good or bad Katora is so I wanted to give them some publicity. It can be serious but also I wanted to make this commercial a little lighthearted and silly. I wanted to find some background of a coffee shop to set the mood and then I went and promoted an event they are setting up so they could get some feedback from the UMW community. I was able to promote a suggestion box and if you filled out a comment or concern you would be entered to win a raffle prize. I think this would be a good commercial to add in the middle or even at the end of our radio show. I found some background coffee shop atmosphere noise and was able to lay my own recording over top!
I wanted to create a cool promo/introduction for our radio show rather than just a commercial. I wanted to make something that show cased what are show was and to grab the listener’s attention and draw them in. I took some samples of Bob Ross comments and set them on top of some instrumentals while recording my part. I think this would be great to put in the beginning of our show to really keep the listeners interested. Our show is about Bob Ross and his impact and I wanted to keep my promo upbeat!
I uploaded it to soundcloud and here is what I came up with.
This week I created a commercial for my radio show. I made a commercial about a real organization I talked about last week for a design assignment. I included the organization’s mission statement as well as how to get more information on them. I used a sound from sound bible for the intro to the commercial and then used audacity to record myself and put it all together. When I was finished I saved it as an mp3 and uploaded it to sound cloud. Enjoy!
For my third and final audio assignment for this week, I made my own radio show commercial. More specifically, I made a LinkedIn radio show commercial (because it was the first company I came up with after recently starting up my own account). I wrote up the script and used some of their catchphrases at the end that were on their Facebook page. After recording my voice, I added a folk guitar music track from http://freesounds.org and put them together on GarageBand. The most difficult part was trying to pace my script with the music to make it flow nicely. The other challenge was balancing my voice and the music. Nonetheless, I think this turned out all right.
My hope is that my group will be able to use this commercial for our radio show project.
I’m a big fan of podcasts. One thing that I’ve realized when listening to my different shows is that they all have ads in them now. Yes, they can get annoying, but there are some that I appreciate because of what they’re promoting. And what else is kinda cool is that some of these companies that are advertising do so with all of the podcasts that I’m listening to.
Now, full disclosure – I don’t use this product. I don’t know how it actually works for people. But, I also haven’t seen anything negative other than that it is a little costly.
The company that I did the commercial about is TalkSpace, which is pretty much online therapy. I think that as a society we are still working on overcoming the stigma of going to therapy and this company offers the solution of not having to worry about someone seeing you go to therapy. Plus, this may be something that can help kids who are more into technology.
What I then did was research a little bit into the company and how it works so that I could make an informative commercial. After this, I recorded what I wanted to say and added some calming yet upbeat music to the second half to fit the theme of the commercial.
If anyone uses this company and is willing to share their experience, let me know how it is!
As part of completing 10 stars of audio assignments I completed the radio ad assignment. This assignment will also most likely be used in my radio show that will be revealing next week.
For this assignment I used Audacity to create the mp4 file and I uploaded it on SoundCloud. I used a clip of my voice and a background noise of a jackpot at a slots machine to fit in the theme of the fake product. I got the background noise from the BBC Sound Effect Archive.
? Having Netflix problems I feel bad for you son I got ninety nine channels and 80’s ain’t one ?
Man I hate listening to commercials! Whenever I hear one, I immediately change the channel (or change the station). But for the project, Make Your Own Radio Commercial! I had to do what I hate and make a commercial! I had originally set out doing a different commercial assignment, namely the Fictional Radio Ad one, but my commercial didn’t fit the assignment description. Nor did it fit Kollin’s 80’S Product Radio Commercial assignment. I wasn’t creating a commercial for an 80’s product, nor was I creating a commercial for a business that doesn’t exist. My commercial is promoting a business that does exist! So for that reason, I regrettably had to go with the ‘Make Your Own Radio Commercial’ which has less stars for some arbitrary reason. (Can I change that)??
The task for this assignment is as follows:
“When you are driving in the car and a radio commercial comes on you might start to tune the radio out. But, if you were the person selling what the commercial was offering would you want people tuning it out or listening intently? Well, I would want people paying attention to my commercial! So, for this audio assignment pick a product or business you would like to promote and sell! Use a audio recording software such as soundcloud to record your commercial. Add in background music, edits, and provide full information of the business/product/services you are advertising. Try to create a radio commercial that grabs and maintains the audiences’ attention. On the side, write why you chose the object or business you are promoting and the process you used to create your commercial.”
I chose to promote Reclaim Video for this assignment because they are a fairly new and small local business that could use advertisement (and they fit our 80’s theme). I had no idea that this business existed until now, and so my goal was to give some promotion to this business that people may not know about (I certainly didn’t know about them). Reclaim video is a video rental store that highlights rentals of all things 80’s- VHS, Laserdiscs, Betamax, Atari, etc. They also seem to have a partnership or alliance of some kind with Reclaim Hosting, which provides hosting and resources for faculty and students.
I started this assignment by doing a little research. I went on Google to see their hours and location, I visited their website and watched their video, I went on their blog and explored their ‘behind the scenes’ type of info., I looked at their about page, and I looked up Reclaim Hosting. I’ll admit that I was at first confused when I visited Reclaim Video’s website; I didn’t understand what they were about, even after watching the video (is this store real? Do they actually rent out old videos, or is this a spoof because they’re talking about domain spaces? Are these two different companies, or the same company? Huh)? Their website is pretty creative though via the interactive elements, and I enjoyed clicking on all the buttons even if I didn’t fully understand the company.
After gathering material, I recorded myself in my best promotional voice and added it to Reclaim Video’s music from their intro video for consistency. I then searched for TV sound effects for the lead in to my commercial- I wanted a channel surfing sound before the line, “there’s nothing to watch.” I also played with the Effects tool in audacity, namely pitch and speed, to get my promo voice to sound different from the “there’s nothing to watch” voice. It probably would have been more effective if I had had another voice to record instead of just me, myself, and I, but I made do with my limited people resources.
After playing with effects, I clipped my audio down to 45 seconds, since commercials are usually about 30-45 seconds. Here’s my final result:
For one of this week’s audio assignments, I decided to create a radio commercial that can be played during my group’s radio show.
My commercial is a commercial for the new Nancy Drew movie that is coming out this March. I decided to do a commercial for Nancy Drew because our show is all about awesome female secret agents, and in my opinion Nancy Drew is one of the greatest female secret agents.
To make my commercial, I downloaded to movie trailer as an Mp3 file. Using Audacity, I uploaded the file and cut it down to make it shorter and flow as if it would sound if it was actually on the radio. Then, I recorded myself talking at the end to show what the commercial was for and to try to encourage people to go support this awesome movie that shows this awesome female secret agent!
This assignment was a lot of fun, because it allowed me the chance to continuously build on my Audacity skills. I also really enjoyed this assignment because it gave me the chance to create a radio commercial which I’ve never done before. This was tough because it required me to unleash my marketing aide, but I had a lot of fun!
For this audio assignment I had to promote a product or business using an audio recording software. I definitely used this for comedic satisfaction as I used a lot of humor in this commercial. I used Audacity then uploaded it publicly on Soundcloud. I chose tinder because today is valentines day and for some people they don’t have a man or women in there life. Tinder is the most popular online dating app that most people use in college. Most people use Tinder on this day actually as there is no surprise why. I used to have it for temporary satisfaction of matching and that was it. I hope you guy enjoyed listening almost as I enjoyed making it.