
Riffing Todd Conaway’s Riff of David Kernohan’s MOOCs Are People Poster:

We riff a riff a gif! Leading the riot bus! Rocking the streets of London mayhem!


Why? Because we can. And it’s a ds106 Riff a Gif assignment

Happy Prince-less Awareness Day**…

I feel as though this 2 star challenge is my calling. I love Valentine’s Day, I spend every Valentine’s weekend with two of my three sisters and we always watch John Tucker Must Die and eat pints of ice cream and just catch up (since out of the six people in my family we live in 4 different states). So while Valentine’s Day is special to me, I never have really shared it with someone special (whomppp). So here comes the best part, this assignment lets us pick a blank Valentine’s Day card and add a caption for it. First of all, these selections were just too perfect, but I ended up picking this picture because it just seemed to be one of the most awkward ones.

romance covers-4

Instantly I thought that the boy in the background was particularly creeping on the girl in the front, so I wanted to do something like that. The story I had imagined in my head was that he had a huge crush on her and finally had the guts to give the “popular girl” a note confessing his love to her. Seems realistic right? So I saved the picture and imported it into GIMP. I then used the text box editor to add text in three spots; the top of the picture, bottom of the picture, and on the note itself. In order to make the color of the text tell you who the perspective was from, I used the same color from the guy’s sweater to be text color (which I thought was a nice touch). So what did I write? Why don’t you find out right now!


Thanks for reading!
Princess Karissa

I’m not a Cat Person or a Yoga Person**…

It is no secret to anyone that knows me that when it comes to cats I am not the biggest fan of them. However, I do really enjoy my friend’s cat Frankie because she just does really weird things and so half of my pictures on my iPhone are pictures of Frankie. My favorite pictures are when she is laying down because her paw gets stuck in her collar (it just is so funny). So when looking through pictures of animals I have on my phone (which ranges between Frankie, 3 dogs and gerbils) I decided that a weird Frankie pose would be awesome to do. However, when do humans do weird poses was the next question? Well the answer was obvious to me, yoga. I suck at yoga and laugh after like 30 seconds of doing something. So putting two things together that I don’t really like ends up making a project that I really like, because that makes sense.

What is this project I speak of? Well it is a two star challenge that requires us to take a picture of an animal and photoshop the picture to make the animal look like it is doing something human.

So what did I do?

1. I looked through pictures of animals that I already had and picked my favorite weird one.

2. I thought of a realistic thing that the animal could be doing in the picture (yoga in this case)

3. To find a background picture, I knew I wanted a higher outlook, so I looked through yoga classes pictures in Google Images and came across an aerial view picture and imported it into GIMP.

4. I wanted to add a yoga mat in the corner so I used the color cloning tool in order to get the color of the other mats

dropper tool5. I drew the mat in using the paint brush tool, and selected a heavy brush to make a stronger line.

paint brush tool6. I opened up the picture of Frankie into a new GIMP window, and resized it to be smaller than the yoga picture.

7. I then used the lasso tool to crop out only Frankie and hit Image->Crop to Selection to get rid of the background.

lasso tool

8. I copied the selection of Frankie and pasted it as a new layer in my background of the yoga scene.

9. To adjust how Frankie was, I used the rotation, and scaling tools.

scaling tools

10. I added text just for dramatic effect, but it is not necessary. I used the toolbox tool

text tool

11. Finally I exported the image and saved it as a jpeg so that I could post it onto this beautiful post.

12. Show off your final product:


I Guess This is the Confessions Part of my Blog…*

Going off of the title of my website, confessions of a future Disney princess, I guess confessions had to come along somewhere. I’m not really sure why, but this 1 star visual assignment really interested me. The assignment calls for creating a post it note that tells a “secret” of some sort or something that’s more like an aspiration. This is where I decided to go against the norm. Take a picture of just a post-it seemed a little bit boring to me (which is probably why this is just one star), but I decided to take a more digital approach to this task. I got an iPad mini for Christmas and I absolutely adore it, it’s totally my sidekick throughout this story. and one of my favorite apps is the abcNotes app which allows me to post sticky notes of things to remind me to do in a more artistic way. The best part? It even will take a screenshot for you! So naturally I made my goals and dreams in different post its on the page and selected a background that I really liked and took a screenshot and uploaded it to flickr. I was really happy with the result, so here are my confessions of what I want to do, simply click to see a larger view.

Post "Secret"

Thanks for reading,

Princess Karissa

Perfect for those Drafty Castles!**

Castles, dorm rooms, they all are the same! Well that being said, you guessed it, perfect for those drafty dorm rooms means SNUGGIES! Yes, I admit that I am an owner of the As Seen on TV phenomenon, I’ll even do you one better and tell you that mine has my name embroidered on it. What can I say? I don’t want someone stealing my Snuggie! Immediately when I saw the 2 star  visual assignment which called for making a GIF showing how tacky infomercials are the clouds parted and a ray of sunshine entered my life. I love watching these infomercials on YouTube and I probably could watch them all day. So I immediately went to the OfficialSnuggie YouTube channel and searched for my favorite part of the commercials, the Snuggie wave as I like to call it. Yes that is right, they are advertising wearing Snuggies at sporting events so that you can do the wave while watching. But my favorite part of this is the one person in the front row not wearing a Snuggie who is shivering and clearly not having a good time. I also enjoy the kid in the front row who is way too early (I may have watched this a bit too much).

So here was my final product, and you can read the long winded way of outsmarting my computer to get the final result below! (This way I don’t bore you with the details)


So here is the story. When I made my first ever GIF I had difficulties downloading the MPEG Streamclip because of something having to do with my Internet Explorer hating my computer. So the ds106 handbook entry on how to make a GIF was useless at the beginning. So I didn’t want to use a website because I enjoy doing things like this on my own, so my mission was to get pictures from the video clip so that I could put them in GIMP. Last time I used iLivid to do this part, however it gave my computer a virus so I shunned it from my kingdom completely and spat on it (figuratively). So I did what any normal princess would do, and just took tons and tons of screenshots of the video while watching it in YouTube (don’t believe me, look at the bottom of the “whole” and you’ll see the video cursor!). Anyway, so I took a screenshot then would paste it as a new layer in GIMP and ended up having 23 layers. Not sure about the ordering of how it would work, I started with the last frame and worked my way forward. So I had to get rid of the rest of my computer screen from the print screen image and simply used the Selection Crop tool which only keeps what is in the selected area and it worked on all the layers which was awesome. So I simply hit the filters, animation, playback and noticed that I had the layers in the wrong order. Lucky for me, GIMP is awesome (sorta), and I simply hit layers, stack, reverse layer order and all was fine and dandy!

Long story short, life making GIFs is so much easier with MPEG Steamclip.


Stay warm, or get a Snuggie!

Princess Karissa



I’m on a roll

Here is my third post and visual assignment for the day! I can’t help it! I am loving Visual week SO MUCH! These assignments are too fun!!

I decided for my next assignment I would choose a random one, since I’ve done the mandatory Valentines Card and two other popular assignments (one and two). After clicking through a bunch I stumbled across this one!

The “King of Meltdowns” (2 star) assignment is to find a picture of a celebrity and find a picture that represents the quote and links the two together. So I just decided to go to Google and search “celebrities and quotes about them” this ended up just showing quotes the celebrities personally said. But then I went into Google images, under the same search, and found this screenshot of a tweet:


I pray Brittany does not read this post– she loves her some Taylor and she would probably hate to see me “bashing” her girl! But really when I read this, I laughed and it pretty much is true! I do like TSwift’s music, but some of her life decisions (not that they are really bad compared to others) do lend themselves to funny remarks like this!

Then I searched “Taylor Swift waving” and to be honest there I had like two options, but one really only worked out since it was a long quote. I used Picmonkey to edit the photo and chose this really girly font! I thought it was really fitting, don’t you love the little hearts above the “i’s”?

Tay Tay Swift

Do you agree with Will Ferrell?

This assignment brings me up to 8/10 stars!

Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion

This image was for the optical illusion assignment. I took this picture in front of the side door of Willard Hall with a friend. At first I didnt know what to shrink but then I had a dream last night about me being chased by a giant (and then stepped on…) Morbid inspiration, but hey it worked!

Did you know I was in a Band?

Yeh, me neither!

I’m really not in a band (I have ZERO music abilities) but for this 2-star ds106 assignment I got to pretend I was in one! This was a really fun assignment and I laughed so much while making it!

First, you click on this wikipedia site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random  and the title of the page became your band’s name (it randomly generates new pages each time you open the link).

Then you click on this link: http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3. Scroll to the bottom and the last quote is the name of your band’s Album. Next click on this link: http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days and select the 3rd picture- this is your album picture.

From there you can manipulate the picture, add the text, etc to create an Album cover.

So what’s my bands name?

My "band's name"

I just laughed when I saw this! For some reason I just picture a serial killer with the word “Manhunt.” I guess that’s what I get for having a dad who is a police officer and watching to many crime shows.

The album name?

my "band's album name"

We are getting deep here…

And I forgot to screenshot the album picture before editing it. But here is the final copy.

Album Title- Ds106 Assignment

I used Picmonkey.com (you can read a tutorial on using picmonkey- here) to add the text and add the border. For the title I chose a font that had an “Old English” feel to it, I guess since it had the word “thy” in it, I felt it needed to look old. For the Name I went with a font that was edgy and had a creepy feel. Since “manhunt” and “serial killer” are synonymous in my mind, I thought it was an appropriate font. At the same time though I was trying to keep it clean looking, because the pelican takes up SO much of the picture I didn’t want it too look messy or be overwhelming to the eye.

I really like how it turned out, even though it such a bizarre combo of name, title and picture. But I guess that’s the whole point of the assignment- to see how ridiculous it can be! haha

What do you all think?

PS: This is my third 2 star assignment, taking me up to 6/10 stars!

Colourize It! *

To add another Visual Assignment under my belt, I completed another one star rated assignment from the ds106 Assignment Bank.  This assignment, Colorize It, called for the colours of an old photo to be adjusted.  I had to adjust more than one colour but it didn’t matter whether the colours were realistic or not!

To complete this assignment, I chose a photo from this past summer of my footprint next to my boyfriend’s in the sand.  Cheesy, I know.  Don’t get me started.  Below is the original photo:

Regular Footprints

I opened the photo with Picasa  and then clicked on “Edit in Picnik“.


Once in Picnik, I went to “Decorations” and chose “Face Paint”.

Footprint Tutorial

From there, I chose the colours I wanted to use and airbrushed the inside of each footprint with a different colour.  Finally, I saved the photo and uploaded it to Flickr.  Et voilà!

Coloured Footprints

As always, I shared my work with the rest of the ds106 community via Twitter.

Pretty in Pink

For this 2 star makeup your pet assignment, I chose to torture put make up on my dog Lexi. First thing, I love my dog. I seriously treat her like a human. I’m not even kidding. My family and I even talk to her like she is a human. So this assignment seemed to fit perfectly!!!

Makeup your pet2She looks 5 years younger right?? :) If she saw this, she would probably hate me. {See?? We treat her like a human!!} I took this picture on my iPhone – can’t you tell by the overuse in these posts that I couldn’t live without that thing?? – and uploaded it to my computer. I added the makeup on paint. This assignment was so fun to do because I got to express my dog in a way that she has never been expressed before!