Why So Serious? You’re in Zombieland!

More fandom creations of World War Z!

I did the assignment Why So Serious? in which I had to put funny audio over a dramatic (even traumatic) scene from the movie adaptation of my book.

Initially, I wasn’t quite sure what comedy to dub over World War Z. I played around with using audio from Elf, but I just couldn’t get the right mix. I ended up googling “comedy movies” and saw Shawn of the Dead. From there, I decided to stay within the apocalypse genre and use audio from Zombieland. When I first saw it last fall, I thought the movie was going to be way more raunchy than it really was, and I appreciate it for that.

I highly recommend both Zombieland and World War Z (even if the book and movie are entirely different). To get a taste of both, why not watch the video I created?

I used part of the opening of the movie Zombieland and laid it over the Philadelphia scene from World War Z. The video quality wasn’t the best, but I couldn’t find any better version of it, sadly.

I had to do a little bit of cutting (and thankfully I was able to use a Mac with iMovie for that instead of my HP’s Movie Maker) but in some places the audio fell PERFECTLY into place. Other places were a little more challenging, but I eventually worked everything out.


Six Star Assignments

I did two, one three star assignment and four star assignment for the eleventh week to complete quote for that week The two assignments I finished were a Time Lapse and another called Where Do Your Shoes Tale You. As it is written in the title I had to make a time lapse of place. I choose to create one of my neighborhood, but I did not film for too long so it is not as good as I would have wanted it to be.

My second assignment I had to film my shoes during the day. I did not do the whole day because I kept forgetting to pull out my phone and record but, I did get a large part of my day. The video shows me getting out my house, driving to school and then me roaming the school. I even adding some happy music to make it more fun.

Diego Ricardo

Well as you know we had to watch a movie form the list given to us that we did not watch from the previous week. And then pick a video assignment that relates to the movie.  I choose, Men of Children because I have watched the movie a couple of years ago. It is about a Earth, where fertility rates are almost completely down and the human race is struggling to survive. I personally do not enjoy the film, but it works out OK for this assignment. I picked the video assignment, “super cut it” for this movie. Super cut it is a montage of clips about a single theme, saying, and ect. I made one for this movie because during the beginning of the film, the name Diego Ricardo keept repeating due to him being killed and being the youngest human on earth.


Eight Star Assignments

This tenth week we had to complete eight stars of assignments. When I saw this, my first thought was this week is going to be a lot for me. And it was because I could not do all my assignments on the tenth week, but I am here now. So anyway for my assignments I did two, four star assignments, Ebert’s Analysis and 2 Minute Silent Documentary. I picked the Ebert’s Analysis because i just recently done an similar on Digital Story. So I though why not do another video essay and this time I chose to analysis Grown Ups, here is my video, https://youtu.be/FaTM2w-iakU

My second assignment I choose to do a How to make something or do something video. I picked this video assignments because it seemed easy and fun. And for the most part it was fun but I found it hard to think of something that do video or anyone to help me video myself. It was just at random that my friend was getting ready to make tea and then I thought to myself, “I ought to video tape this,” so I did and this is the end results, How To Make Tea  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beSkFXxp56o



The Second Chance

It’s finished!!! Geoff and I finally finished our group Video Assignment!

We worked really hard on this, and I think we’re both happy with how it turned out considering neither of us have any experience in making and editing videos.

Despite the bumps in the road, we were able to finish it, so now our fingers are crossed that it doesn’t get blocked for copyright ?

Process of Getting The Second Chance


So this week Geoff and I have been working on our film, The Second Chance. Geoff had a business trip so we decided to film things separately in our own time before meeting up again to record our interviews and edit our film together.

This past weekend I went to the Prince William National Forest to film some parts for my half of the film. The park rangers there were very nice and they let me film there for a little while. They told me not to mention them in the film though, so that’s why you won’t see any credit for them. They were worried about permissions and all that. The park was really meant for overnight camping, but we were only there for an hour or two. Still, despite their worries, they let me film a few scenes there.

Other than that, I worked on finding other videos I could use for the film since some of them I wouldn’t be able to recreate some of the zombie and illness scenes on my own. I ended up finding more videos while editing the film since there were spots in time where I didn’t have enough film. I will properly credit things in the blog where I show our finished film.

Geoff got back verrrrrryyyyy early on Monday morning, so we met at the Vocal Booth at the HCC at noon to record our interviews. With this we recorded and saved each Q&A separately so that we could have some flexibility later when editing the film.

Once we got done recording the interviews, we went to the computer lab at the HCC to start editing our film. This is where we ran into some more technical difficulties (cause nothing can ever be easy for us). iMovie could not recognize some of our videos. It took us a long time to figure our way around this. We ended up having to publish each of our videos on YouTube and then using the 4K Video Downloader to resave them but in a different format. This worked! But it also took a reaaalllllyyyy long time to do. We ended up being able to finish Geoff’s half since his came first. Geoff was able to edit his half how he wanted it to be with the film he had. I helped him figure some stuff out, but it was pretty much all him for his own half.

At that point, it was getting to be 5 o’clock in the evening, so we decided to call it quits. Geoff had a class, and I needed to get back home. We decided to save his half as is and then I would take it home to edit and add in my own half.

This is where I ran into even more problems. I don’t have an Apple computer, I have Windows. This means the only video editing software I have is Movie Maker. All I can say is that this software is suuuuuuper annoying. I have to edit each individual clip and save it separately before I can compile them. If the timing is off, I have to start all over again. I’m not sure if there is any other easier way to do this, but I have not found it.

It ended up taking me 3 hours to do the first 3 questions of the 10 Evelyn has. I still have not finished at this point, but I will be finishing it tonight.

Please look forward to it!

Cooking Salmon

The first assignment I decided to do for this week was a two-second silent documentary! I decided to film myself making salmon for dinner. I have to give a major shout out to my housemate, Cameron for filming me. I, unfortunately, don’t have a tripod and needed someone to hold the camera. After I filmed everything I cut it all together using iMovie. I sped some things up because while it cut the video down to less than the 2 minutes, it was really boring without it haha.


I really enjoyed doing this! I ended up putting some music over the video because you could hear the girls I live with talking in the background!

Peculiar Questions…

I chose 5 questions out of the set of 10 to choose from and answered them in total honesty. My question is, why does Nessie want to know all of these strange things? I’m a bit suspicious… What does she know? What’s going on that we don’t know about?

This was a really fun assignment! I hope you enjoyed my answers and the video, and go me for finally figuring out how to insert video clips into my videos! Yay me!


Love, Felicity.

I stumbled upon the This is my Story assignment in the assignment bank and thought it was a great way to tie my character for the class into this week’s videos. If you haven’t read my blog post about my character, Felicity’s, life, I suggest you read it before watching the video or it won’t make much sense. I’ve linked it here.

The blog post I wrote was pre-end of the world as we know it, so this acts as her post-end. She tells her mom how she feels about her through a series of notecards because, if you read that post, her and her mom are extremely close.

Because I’m a total newbie at all of this, I made the rookie mistake of not cutting down the audio, therefore the video actually ends at 1:20 but goes on until 4:21… Way to go, Taylor… Oh well, we all make mistakes and I stupidly forgot to watch it all the way through with the audio and deleted all the files so I can’t fix it. Ugh.

Anyways, here’s the finished video and I hope you enjoy despite the unnecessarily long music.

My Dream Vacation!

I’ve been taking French for about 8 years now, but I’ve never been to France (or even have left the country). If I could choose anywhere in the world to go right now, it would absolutely be France. Not only Paris and other major cities, but the countrysides and beaches. Here’s a video montage of all the beautiful sites I would love to see there.