I lacked the confidence to give this to you, but I hope you say yes


I tried doing this assignment SO MANY TIMES this week and couldn’t come up with anything.  Even this one isn’t too original (I don’t think), but it’s all I could think of.  This was a silly, fun assignment though, and the timing was perfect for obvious reasons.  It was probably my least favorite of the  assignments of the week but I’m not sure if that’s because I didn’t care much for it or if it’s because I had a harder time with it.  I liked a lot of other people’s posts though.  Lara Hampson‘s especially made me laugh!

For this one, I opened the image in GIMP and just added text.  It was pretty simple and straightforward, so not too much to report here.

Off to complete my weekly response though even earlier than I did last week!  My goal is to eventually not be working on this Sunday night but maybe Sunday afternoon instead.  Gotta have dreams, right?

Assignment Bank | Two Points

The Assignment:

“For this week, you need to complete 10 stars worth of Visual Assignments — this could be doing 5 assignments rated 2 stars, etc. One of them is required by everyone, so we can all do the same one and compare our ideas, but beyond that, you get to pick the ones you want to do to complete your 10 pack.”

Splash The Color

tire color splash


I happen to find “color spot” photos to be distracting unless REALLY WELL done and left to a minimum.  I did this just to try it out.  Someone who did this well is @bellekid.  Her photo with the taxi and model is AWESOME!


Photoshop was my friend in this post. Nothing fancy, just selected the tire, selected the inverse and set to black and white.

Assignment Bank | Two Points

The Assignment:

“For this week, you need to complete 10 stars worth of Visual Assignments — this could be doing 5 assignments rated 2 stars, etc. One of them is required by everyone, so we can all do the same one and compare our ideas, but beyond that, you get to pick the ones you want to do to complete your 10 pack.”

Valentine’s Day Caption Challenge


super and wonder


I LOVED this assignment!  I think my Holiday Cards will be something like this next year…hmmmmm.


Photoshop was my friend in this post. Nothing fancy, just added text to a downloaded image.

Assignment Bank | Three Points

The Assignment:

“For this week, you need to complete 10 stars worth of Visual Assignments — this could be doing 5 assignments rated 2 stars, etc. One of them is required by everyone, so we can all do the same one and compare our ideas, but beyond that, you get to pick the ones you want to do to complete your 10 pack.”

Replay Value


A.  I don’t play video games.

B. I don’t play video games.

C. I don’t play video games.

Okay, now that that is out of the way.  I picked this scene from Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3.  i chose a line that sums up, not just one scene but a whole movie.  Die Hard.



Photoshop was my friend in this post. Nothing fancy, just added text to a screen shot.

Assignment Bank | One Point

The Assignment:

“For this week, you need to complete 10 stars worth of Visual Assignments — this could be doing 5 assignments rated 2 stars, etc. One of them is required by everyone, so we can all do the same one and compare our ideas, but beyond that, you get to pick the ones you want to do to complete your 10 pack.”

Patty Pioneers

steve and burger


I couldn’t figure out who sold a fast food apple!

Steve Jobs is amazingly inspirational.  The life he lived, while a work-a-holic and curt with others at times is still one I admire.

“My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to make them better.” (CNNMoney/Fortune, 2008)


Everybody Wants To Imagine

The assignment I chose is Newspaper Blackout Poetry. The activity calls for using a marker and a magazine to black out sections to create a new story. I truly underestimated the difficulty of this task. Firstly, being that I am at my girlfriend’s, the closest thing to a newspaper I could access was People Magazine. So I started off at a bit of a disadvantage. I sifted through numerous articles, and couldn’t come up with anything. The whole process took over an hour, but I finally came up with something semi-coherent. “Everybody wants to imagine”. I’ll leave you with that folks.



Sneak A Peak

The challenge was to add a caption to one of 30 different valentine’s day postcards. These were no ordinary valentine’s day cards. To do this activity, I uploaded the picture to pixlr and added text with the online editing tool. I realize my inserted text was a bit childish, but I think this kind of assignment called for that.



Disney Alphabet

The next assignment I did was the A-Z photo collage.  This assignment was worth three stars (which put my total count up to seven at this point).

The first part of this assignment was to pick a theme.  I decided to go with Disney characters for my theme.  At first I thought this was going to be fairly easy but I ended up realizing that finding an X Disney character was not just hard but impossible.  Other than that I ended up finding a character for each letter and inserting them into my collage.  I used picmonkey to make my collage.   I found it to be fairly simple and easy to customize.

So with out further adieu here is my Disney Characters A-Z:Disney Collage

Erase the Greyscale – ???

I saw everyone was doing this “Splash the Color” assignment, so I thought it must be fun then!

I knew I had some awesome photos that I had taken in the past year, so I used an old one.

I wanted to highlight a lot of colors in this one, but the assignment said only one…

I had to pick the purple ’49 Mercury then.

Camera 455

Even though it’s at the edge of the photo, I hoped that the color would still make it stand out.

Hot Rod Violet

I think it did.

Now I thought this would be easy. Put a couple layers in Photoshop, use the eraser to get to the bottom, colored layer.


I chose a photo and a subject that had a lot of little leaves and tree branches.

Erasing without showing the color of the bush on the left of the car was the most difficult thing about doing this. I could have been more precise, but I think I still got the right effect.