Visual Assignments

Mission: Defamiliarize

Make a set of ten photos which take something familiar to you–a town, building, object, etc.–and defamiliarize it, make it seem foreign. Use a mix of extreme closeups, weird lighting, foreground/background focusing and odd angles and other effects to make something that you know very well seem like something you’ve never seen before, something spooky and/or luminous and/or magical.

See an example at

Brian Metcalfe’s Image with a Message

Demonstrate that “a picture is worth a thousand words” by superimposing a famous quotation over a “Creative Commons” licensed image.

Make certain to include the author’s name and the licensed image web address in your visual remix to provide proper credit and acknowledgement.

Detailed lesson steps, together with supporting web sites, samples, and activity handouts are available on my blog at:

Take care & keep smiling :-)

Patty Pioneers

Simply put, this assignment involves editing a picture of any Computer Pioneer so that it looks like they are eating/about to eat/holding a burger or similar types of fast food.

For example, instead of using a hamburger as I did in the example photograph, you may wish to use a hot dog or french fries. Anything that you may find at a local fast food restaurant is acceptable. Drinks may be used as well, however, you must incorporate fast food within your picture.

Here are some tips when selecting a picture:

1) Try to pick a photograph where the person is already holding something in the picture. This will allow you edit the picture more easily, effectively, and helps make the picture more realistic looking after editing.

2) Try to match up the quality of the images you are working with so that they will be more ascetically pleasing, as well as more professional looking. If you are more technically capable, you may want to distort the image of the food item by inserting a layer of noise on the photo and then blurring the edges around the food item in order to make it blend in to the background. Remember, layers are your friend!

4) Don’t be intimidated by photo editing. The internet is your friend! Use a web search and find some tutorials on your favorite image editing software. It’s actually quite an easy assignment to do.

Fantasy TED Talks

Create a scene from a TED Talk being given by a fictional character. Obscure or well known, feel free to have your fictional character pontificating on their story, and their “essential truth” that has come to be known as TED Talks.

Unlikely Intersections

Take a photograph of a street sign showing the intersection of two names not likely to meet. No photoshopping, it has to be real! Keep noticing what is around you.

Visualize That Quote

Webpages gets random quote from
and set of flickr photos to match words

illustrate/explain the quote in pictures with the least number of pictures required

you can drag to re-order, click pic to swap, x remove pic, – hide pic leave word.

Yam Yarn

Add a yam to your favorite movie and make a picture.

106 Horror!

Create or modify an image of the number 106 that is in the genre of a horror movie. Make 106 seem scary and ominous.

Art comes to Life

Take a famous painting or print and do your best to recreate it in real life. Capture it in a photo and present the two in a blog post.

Make The Untranslatable Understood

Use the Random Words with No English Translation tool ( to generate a word that could be better understood with a photo or image. Find a creative commons image or make your own, and include the word somehow in the image (using a desktop photo editor or web tool like Aviary or PicNIk). Then share it with someone and ask if it makes sense.

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