Writing Assignments

Write an Alternative Ending

Write an alternative ending to a novel, movie, short story, poem, etc. What else can I say but make it damn good! Want some examples? Here are 13 alternative endings for various popualr films: http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/films/alternate-movie-endings-better-than-the-real-ones


Make a timeline. compare the events associated with world events with your life path .

Tell us about your future life!

Write out the history of your future life as if you were featured in a textbook. Make it about college life and what you want to pursue afterward!

Postcards from the Past…

Find an old archive: letter, postcard, photograph, memo, computer document, e-mail. Then, form a story surrounding the piece. Develop a general, basic narrative or back story and characters. It doesn’t have to be super long; it can be a haiku or a novella–your choice. Let the past inspire you!

My example is a postcard from World War I. It was discovered unsent and from an unknown author, and attached to the postcard was a small poppy, addressed to the soldier’s love. I wrote a poem in Spanish about the postcard, and you can read the poem and its translation at this link:


Have fun!


While we’re in a long string of Holiday seasons, lets keep things a little festive. For this assignment you are to write about your favorite holiday. Be as descriptive as possible. What makes it your favorite? Is there a special memory attached to it? What smells or sounds remind you of it?

Short Story with random words and animal(s)

The task is to create a short story or poem using 10 random words. Go to random word generator and change it to generate ten words then select “Generate Random Words”. From there, choose an animal and find a way to add that animal along with your ten random words into your short story. Your story can be about anything so feel free to get creative.

Sharing a Book

Share a free book in internet that you have wrote. That’s sharing knowledge too, specially if it has some historical research as this one has. 

Beyond The Headlines

For this assignment, find the most interesting newspaper article titles you can and try to put them in an order that will tell a story. Copy and Paste the article titles into a blogpost and link the individual articles at the bottom of the post.

A Game of Reviews

People write game reviews for a living – now it’s your turn! Write a review of a game, any game – it can be a Triple-A title or something that you played once and never again just because it was so bad. The challenge comes with other requirements:

1) There are four categories that you should focus on (there can be others of your own design, these are the core): Gameplay, Plot, Music, and Graphics.
2) Judge each of these individually on a scale of one to ten, ten being amazing, and justify in-depth why you gave each score.
3) This is extremely subjective, so the game you review MUST be one you have played. 

To commenters: If someone doesn’t like your favorite game, please don’t flame the reviewer. This is supposed to be for academics, and meant as an analysis of what the writer thinks broke or made the game for them.

Your Blog in A Poem

Write a poem about your blog.


It should be over 10 lines long.

Use any rhyme scheme, rhythm, meter, line length you want.

The poem should reflect your blog.  It should include things like the color, the shapes, the simplicity or complexity, the textures and fonts, anything that makes your blog unique or not unique.


Since it is a poem about your blog, record you reading it.  Embed the audio in your blogpost.